Breaker started randomly tripping.

Also let me break it down for You, I'm in an apartment. Using one room of the apartment. Three lights. One 1000w 2 600w. 1 hurricane 115 w van 3 little fans for air movement. In the rest of the apartment 1 tv, 1 ps4 1 lamp, phone charger. Nothing else plugged in anywhere.

Do you have your own electoral box in apt? Pic of it? How many circuits available to you?
Also let me break it down for You, I'm in an apartment. Using one room of the apartment. Three lights. One 1000w 2 600w. 1 hurricane 115 w van 3 little fans for air movement. In the rest of the apartment 1 tv, 1 ps4 1 lamp, phone charger. Nothing else plugged in anywhere.

..umm that's crazy.
Sorry I wrote over the important info. The two red ones are the two ac units.
looks goddamn old to me and it looks like those breakers are original.i cant even read what amp they are.youre definitely overloading careful,its job is to trip when something is wrong,along with that cord burning up...yeezus
looks goddamn old to me and it looks like those breakers are original.i cant even read what amp they are.youre definitely overloading careful,its job is to trip when something is wrong,along with that cord burning up...yeezus
Only got another month left just Gota ride this out. You think splitting the lights up and replacing the cord will get me by another month.
Can you reduce your power consumption in any way? You havent mentioned the 1000w much so i assume there's no issue with that one. Are the 600s for flower or veg? Could you veg with lower wattage fluoros or something?

If its only another month and you're outta there, and if the other breakers are dedicated to the 600s, then i dont see why you couldnt split it up to have each 600w on its on breaker, and the 1k on its own, and hope for the best.

Is there any heat coming from the box or the breakers? That whole box is unfortunate, your whole situation is really... i hope the month goes by quickly and you gtfo into a better place for you and your garden!

Splitting things up is safer in your case, you can make your own extension cord for much cheaper.

Do you know exactly which outlets go to which circuits/breakers? If so, isolate the circuits and dedicate each to one light and ride it out a month.
Only got another month left just Gota ride this out. You think splitting the lights up and replacing the cord will get me by another month.
if you absolutely have to use cords,yeah get the largest gauge ones you can afford or make your own with 12g romex(yellow in usa) like suggested.absolutely split those lights and be really vigilant about your electrical box and cord can feel your breakers for hotness(from the outside)as well as feeling the cord on both ends to see if theyre warming.cords are really no good for grow lights imo.
the cord does not pull amps. when it comes to electrical, don't comment unless you KNOW EXACTLY what you're talking about. your cord statement is relatively benign, but some wayward info is extremely dangerous as electricity can KILL YOU, and bad wiring can cause fires which can KILL YOU!!!

always best to find a professional if you are at all unsure

No suh dude. I heard you can bend the cord to stop the electrical flow like you would a garden hose. So the longer the wire the more amperage it draws. Its physics bro. I read it in a book.

No. Seriously. Take this advice. Dont fuck with electricity and dont comment non-sense.
Man thats the dirtiest breaker box I have every seen

OP is gonna burn his apartment down and kill innocent lives. Fuck he thinking?
No fridge? No stove or microwave or nothin? Just you, some plants, a tv and a ps4? What games you play? Lol
Haha xD some ufc some dirt.. Unplugged everything got the fridge plugged in tho. And nothing feels even warm other then the cord. I have just one running on the cord now to see if I notice a difference by the end of the day it'll be a new cord and split up to two different outlets
Man thats the dirtiest breaker box I have every seen

OP is gonna burn his apartment down and kill innocent lives. Fuck he thinking?
That's the only psrt of the aprtment they don't renovate over the years. Everything else is actually clean. I ain't got no bugs or no shit and I try to be as safety conscious as possible. Hence investigating this warm cord and fixing it
Can you reduce your power consumption in any way? You havent mentioned the 1000w much so i assume there's no issue with that one. Are the 600s for flower or veg? Could you veg with lower wattage fluoros or something?

If its only another month and you're outta there, and if the other breakers are dedicated to the 600s, then i dont see why you couldnt split it up to have each 600w on its on breaker, and the 1k on its own, and hope for the best.

Is there any heat coming from the box or the breakers? That whole box is unfortunate, your whole situation is really... i hope the month goes by quickly and you gtfo into a better place for you and your garden!

Splitting things up is safer in your case, you can make your own extension cord for much cheaper.

Do you know exactly which outlets go to which circuits/breakers? If so, isolate the circuits and dedicate each to one light and ride it out a month.
Thanks for good advice. 1000s good and just unplugged one 600 from the timer and the cords already not hot. So just gonna go buy the make your own cord stuff and split the 600s up as you said. Let's Hope for the best and ya that this last home stretch goes fast. Thanks again
the cord does not pull amps. when it comes to electrical, don't comment unless you KNOW EXACTLY what you're talking about. your cord statement is relatively benign, but some wayward info is extremely dangerous as electricity can KILL YOU, and bad wiring can cause fires which can KILL YOU!!!

always best to find a professional if you are at all unsure

Explain to us how a power saw drawing 10 amps works fine when plugged directly into the outlet but trips the breaker when plugged into a 100ft extension cord? I hope your not the resident electrical guru lol