Brick Top
New Member
Bricktop honest to fuck you just want to argue.
No, I just want to understand. I only ask for things to be laid out in plain simple English so they make sense. I want to know what step 1 is and then what step 2 is and what step 3 is etc, etc, etc. that will convince governments to alter marijuana laws making it legal. I just do not see any of that at all in what you have been posting.
Possibly I am just to old and to dense to be able to understand what you are saying but the way you are expressing your idea it's like a mystery wrapped in a puzzle locked in an enigma.
You are a fucking hippy.
I considered myself one back in the late 60's and 70's, though we tended to call ourselves freaks more at the time, but after leading the life I did for many decades after that, up until I retired anyway, I would never have considered myself a hippie, young or old, or a freak.
Wake the fuck up. Our friendship is over.
Not to be rude, and definitely not attempting to argue with you, but I held a degree of respect for you, and I still do, but this is a growing forum on the Internet, we do not know each other, there never was an actual friendship and there could never be an actual friendship so unless; " Our friendship is over" is your way of saying that rather than being friendly and respectful you will now treat me in an opposite way I do not see how anything has changed or been lost.
An example of a friendship ending would be what happened to me just before Thanksgiving. A women I had been extremely close with for eight years, and who once asked me to make her my wife, but then later changed her mind and we remained friends with benefits until several years later she met another guy and married, for no reason, totally out of the blue told me there is no place in her life for me anymore.
That is the definition of losing a friend, not some unknown online person becoming frustrated by someone because they repeatedly ask for specifics so they can then decipher the cryptic things the person has been attempting to say, so they just give up rather than taking the time to spell things out.
I would love to understand your plan, but it appears that you lack a plan and only have a dream.