Boycott The Attitude!

Bricktop honest to fuck you just want to argue.

No, I just want to understand. I only ask for things to be laid out in plain simple English so they make sense. I want to know what step 1 is and then what step 2 is and what step 3 is etc, etc, etc. that will convince governments to alter marijuana laws making it legal. I just do not see any of that at all in what you have been posting.

Possibly I am just to old and to dense to be able to understand what you are saying but the way you are expressing your idea it's like a mystery wrapped in a puzzle locked in an enigma.

You are a fucking hippy.

I considered myself one back in the late 60's and 70's, though we tended to call ourselves freaks more at the time, but after leading the life I did for many decades after that, up until I retired anyway, I would never have considered myself a hippie, young or old, or a freak.

Wake the fuck up. Our friendship is over.

Not to be rude, and definitely not attempting to argue with you, but I held a degree of respect for you, and I still do, but this is a growing forum on the Internet, we do not know each other, there never was an actual friendship and there could never be an actual friendship so unless; " Our friendship is over" is your way of saying that rather than being friendly and respectful you will now treat me in an opposite way I do not see how anything has changed or been lost.

An example of a friendship ending would be what happened to me just before Thanksgiving. A women I had been extremely close with for eight years, and who once asked me to make her my wife, but then later changed her mind and we remained friends with benefits until several years later she met another guy and married, for no reason, totally out of the blue told me there is no place in her life for me anymore.

That is the definition of losing a friend, not some unknown online person becoming frustrated by someone because they repeatedly ask for specifics so they can then decipher the cryptic things the person has been attempting to say, so they just give up rather than taking the time to spell things out.

I would love to understand your plan, but it appears that you lack a plan and only have a dream.
I personally would like to see this thread closed.

Hobbes definitely went over the deep end and is counter productive to those (like me) that try to show the world that Cannibus users are not bat shit insane because of what we smoke.

This was semi-entertaining a few days ago because I thought it would come to an entertaining end, but it hasn't and has grown boring and annoying.
speaking of attitude for the first time my seeds havent came within8 days..

lol says that went through NY but still no sign...i ordered them nov 29 i think hahah

oh and i still love them..and will never stop!
I personally would like to see this thread closed.

Hobbes definitely went over the deep end and is counter productive to those (like me) that try to show the world that Cannibus users are not bat shit insane because of what we smoke.

This was semi-entertaining a few days ago because I thought it would come to an entertaining end, but it hasn't and has grown boring and annoying.

I have to agree. It began sounding like something rational would follow but it has been just the opposite, it has been totally irrational.

What we have seen is precisely what I have said for decades, that the average toker is their own worst enemy in the quest for the legalization of marijuana. They give the 'straight community' all the ammunition they need to prove their position that marijuana needs to remain illegal. They can point to absolute absurdities and say, see, the commercial with the egg and frying pan where someone says this is your brain, then they crack the egg into the hot frying pan and say, this is your brain on drugs, is 100% accurate.

This cartoon accurately depicts the entire claimed plan for legalization that has been pushed for in this thread. It is all based on a dream, a dream that some of us have had since the 60's, but dreams totally lack strategy as how to go about turning them into reality.


Honestly guys, I love you all but what difference does it make?

You will not do a thing.

You are not worth saving.

I am not going to hang on a cross

Like Marc Emery.


Go fuck yourselves.


but first, or after if you like, I think that I'll burn it all to the ground.



Like Marc Emery.

Marc Emery was a ripoff artist ..... but nonetheless he did get a raw deal by being used to make an example of for others and give them reason to be concerned about what they were doing and to attempt to coerce them to stop.
speaking of attitude for the first time my seeds havent came within8 days..

lol says that went through NY but still no sign...i ordered them nov 29 i think hahah

oh and i still love them..and will never stop!

Yes, I've used them for years, great service, never even a late order. Every order perfect.

But they are part of the reason that marijuana is illegal and they are inconveniencing me.

It's that simple.

You think that I care about you jackoffs?

Look at this thread.

Marijuana should be legal

and you are the reason

It is fucking illegal.

And that invonveniences me.

And that vexes me.

I don't like to be vexed.

I like to be venged.

And I don't want to like to be venged.

That vexes me.

Marc Emery was a ripoff artist ..... but nonetheless he did get a raw deal by being used to make an example of for others and give them reason to be concerned about what they were doing and to attempt to coerce them to stop.


Every good business person is a ripoff artist, nature of the trade.

You are an 80s hippy and Emery is a 60's hippy.

Before my time but my people.


fight with me


Fight . with . me !


I will fight with you General. Just tell me the plan of battle first. Just explain the strategy first. Just tell me what time the battle will start, what units will be involved and in which direction they will attack against what specific targets and what other units will join the battle at what times and from what flank will they attack and if they will attack the same targets or different targets and what support troops we can count on.

That is all I need, but just saying fight with me is not enough.

The fight needs a leader, not a dreamer, and leaders have well thought out well laid out plans of attack. They don't just say, come on boys, let's fight now. They explain to their troops each and every single detail of the planned fight. If they do not they stand no chance of success and only assure that they will be slaughtered in the fight.
i chose to do nothing ,
i am that dirty lazy hippy ,, , i dont vote , i dont pay taxes
i dont even have a drivers license
But im Happy , Life is Good ;)
I personally would like to see this thread closed.

Hobbes definitely went over the deep end and is counter productive to those (like me) that try to show the world that Cannibus users are not bat shit insane because of what we smoke.

Me too, I'm tired of this thread because I've decided that you, and I mean the human race, is not worth saving.

So I'm going to start by burning down RollItUp as soon as one spacing or punctuation of my thread is edited.

Within both the rules of law of all countries involved, AAAAAAaaaaaand the unwritten code of the MARIJUANA COMMUNTITY (nonexistant)


How long do you think that it would take me to unleash unholy fucking hell upon you all the like that you have never seen nor have conceived? Within the rules of law and the rules of non-outing. Because I AM all about respect, as you've seen.

Oh yeah, I'm a medical grower who has never used his own address or URL online. I would NEVER do anything to put any of you at legal risk - regardeless my wrath. First do no harm, rule number one.

But I am going to burn this forum to the ground because I'm getting bored. Entertain me.




Might be a good time to delete your account. I've walked this path in my mind a thousand times, I can stem train this chain in the dark, lol ....

Just who did you think that you were fucking with?

Freeze my account please. Delete this post, delete this thread, change my punctuation. I am so bored with you hippies

but I can't let go. Help me to let go. You are my last attachment to humantiy, when I can release you I am free. Help me, please.


wake up

I will fight with you General. Just tell me the plan of battle first. Just explain the strategy first. Just tell me what time the battle will start, what units will be involved and in which direction they will attack against what specific targets and what other units will join the battle at what times and from what flank will they attack and if they will attack the same targets or different targets and what support troops we can count on.

That is all I need, but just saying fight with me is not enough.

The fight needs a leader, not a dreamer, and leaders have well thought out well laid out plans of attack. They don't just say, come on boys, let's fight now. They explain to their troops each and every single detail of the planned fight. If they do not they stand no chance of success and only assure that they will be slaughtered in the fight.

all right all right

don't fucking cry hippie

I'll be back with the plan
Every good business person is a ripoff artist, nature of the trade.

You are absolutely wrong. The key to success in business is repeat business, repeat customers and you only achieve that is through honesty and and giving your customers a fair value for their dollar. Marc Emery did not do those things. He did not deserve what he got from both the U.S. and Canadian governments, but due to his business practices he did not deserve to remain in business either

I am an excellent businessman, I have owned three successful businesses and I never once in any of my three businesses ever ripped anyone off, not so much as one single time.

You are an 80s hippy and Emery is a 60's hippy.

What do you base that on? I started getting high in the spring of 1968. I begged and fought with my mother in 1969 to let me go to Woodstock with older friends, but she refused. Wouldn't that also date me as being a 60's hippie, or a freak as we called ourselves back then, rather than an 80's hippie when in the 80's I was wearing a suit and tie and operating a business and my hair was cut so short that I was continually asked if I was a Marine or a State Trooper?

Based on the things you have said and claimed in this thread I am starting to wonder if you stepped up from pot to crack.
The fight needs a leader, not a dreamer, and leaders have well thought out well laid out plans of attack. They don't just say, come on boys, let's fight now. They explain to their troops each and every single detail of the planned fight. If they do not they stand no chance of success and only assure that they will be slaughtered in the fight[/B].

Listen to yourself.

I have explained in weed science, in exquiste detail, how to extact a Saudi Arabia size amount of oil from Alberta Canada and you want me to explain myself to you in this fucking peice of shit thread?

Do some fucking work you lazy hippy.

Honestly Bricktop, no one in the world loves you more than I do but bend the fuck over to either pick up a tool or so I can HAVE A FEW FUCKING PUMPS!

Help one person IS the plan.

That is all there is

To make the





It's that simple


And, I have decided that you are not worth leading, because you are all wet noodles. Emery can keep you if he wants

I'm going to Africa to find some people who will work for the world they want.

Or at least to stay alive.

Either will serve

The Wind.


Yeah, I've gone completely fucking nuts.

I just don't care anymore.

Look at yourselves

What Have I been doing here the past 6 months?

Have I helped one person?

I have 4000 posts

No friends

All posts to help people

Where are they?


Jodi, Marc be that a lesso ... never mind, I'm sure that you're laughing at me.

