Boxes and Foil, Light and Fan, this work?


Active Member
Well last night I decided it was time to make a new setup as the plants are getting bigger.

So Imagine unfolded boxes, still flat, but taped to one another's side creating a folding wall, if you can. I taped foil neatly to each side, and created a top to cover it, with foil on that as well. I put a whole on the top to place a fan on top of, to blow air in to cool the light and give a little breeze to the plants. There is 1 65watt CFL inside, mounted off the side of one of the boxes, quite well fitted. Here are some pictures:

So besides something on the bottom for drainage, and the one side without foil, are there some essential things I'm missing that may cause problems with growth?

Also, the light is 65 watt, which we may buy another one, but, its 2700K, which is good for flowering, but not Veg. Are these plants even in the veg state yet? Is the fact that its 2700k really bad? The plants still are pertty small


Well-Known Member
Mylar is maybe 10% better than aluminum foil. How you have the foil nice flat & smooth is perfect!

Cardboard could be an issue... I suppose. Though I've personally used it(covered with aluminum foil, shiny-side out, I used glue) and have had no issues. Doesn't get anywhere near hot, just a little warm. And I run my lights(several 26 watt CFLs) 24/7.

Your plants look very healthy(from here). Nice job.


Well-Known Member
Foil is bad for HID lights. HID emit heavy IR radiation and basically can *help* fry plants when used with Al foil. It can also pose a fire risk when used near HID.

CFLs emit UV light. Phosphor coatings inside the bulbs shift the UV light to higher wave-lengths we can see. They run many times cooler, and as such pose little fire risk. Especially ventilated as you have it.