Well-Known Member
Hey guys harvested 2 of the girls on dec 31... My rh was ideal the first few days of drying but not any more.... I had just woke up for a breakfast mint and sprayed my clones n checked up on the two I had hanging up the rh is only at 33 it was 50 when I went to bed.... I've been drying in a literal dryer in a basement.... Besides spritzing a bit of water on the walls what's a good way to raise the humidity... The first night rh was at 60 so I adjusted the humidifier accordingly... The next few days it was at 50.... And now it's at 33...I'm only on the 4th day and I don't want that fucking hay smell/taste.... During summer it took about 6 days.... But I'm on day 4 and they r just as dry as they would be on day 6 in summer..... It's about 63 degrees yes a bit chilly but better than humid.... U think I should run a load of laundry to get the moisture back in the air? What would u do