bored so made some bubble with pics


Well-Known Member
I used approx 150-200g of shit durban bud that seeded itself real fluffy shit
took about 1hr 15 min to make
approx 14g of hash
one wash shouldve done two
saved the water to do gumbi with it was like piss coloured syrup so i assume i will get a nice chunk tomorrow



Well-Known Member
nice job. whats gumbi i never thought to use the water after i have strained it. please explain.


Active Member
deff should have done 2 could of gotten alot more but nice yeild kinda low 200 g only got 14 i use about 14g's of danks and get 2 g's of iso the last 4 is the gumby method basicly you collect trichs through a silk screen collect the trichs put them in way paper fold up really tight tape the ends then wrap it in newspaper wet it and put in oven on very low for a few mins then take out and press really hard while still in the wax paper then put in freezer (sometimes not needed) for like 10 20 mins then take out and wala



Well-Known Member
i thought gumbi was just lettiing the hash settle to the bottom and use a pump to get the water out as much as possible the run it over a coffee filter i guess silk screens the same, why use dankage why not use crap/shake, the bubble gets me fucked yours would kill me


Well-Known Member
i shouldve weighed the schwag,maybe 100g only, i have 6 more garbage bags of scwag bud and bout 5 of shake gonna go nuts one day this week ill post weight to weight ratio bettr


Active Member
lol thanks bro i use mids sometimes dank sometimes my buddy sales me his small buds for like 120 a zip ya that iso would put you down lol 65%+ thc i wish iw as there with ya i could do wonders with that much bud i use schwag with the iso as well i could make u some killer hash


Well-Known Member
How do ya make iso,i smoked this batch and was fucked ,for awhile too,it dried a amber colour probably cause i left the plants forever nov1 and its a late sept strain fuckin bullshit durban least they didnt fuck the good plants around them