Jakabok Botch
Well-Known Member
coldheart canyon, everville, mr B. Gone,the damnation game, imajica, Theif of Always, Hellbound Heart, Cabal, yattering and jack, Dread, midnight meat train, book of blood.......
i can go on forever

Thanks bro.dude, tell me about it! when i was taking 6 classes, i only had time to run at 11pm, one night out, i was running and ran into a damn huge pot hole and freakn sprained my ankle big time! shit was no joke! i wanted to throw up from the pain, i had to walk home on that bum ankle, once i got there it was like a grapefruit, got a 5 gallon bucket, filled up with water and ice and dunked it in... Man that has got to be the worst ankle sprain i ever had and i played football in high school and college, so ive seen my share of injuries and pain...
you know for the pain, i was trimming my plants last week which are still in veg and put the trimming inside of a 70% alcohol bottle and let it sit for two days. i get real bad upper back spasms, i told my girlfriend to put some on it and the pain went right away after about 5 minutes... felt great and i would recommend that if you are going the homeopathic way like me... i dont like pills and big pharm drugs... also, have you iced it? If not, get yourself some ice in a bag or one of those reusable ice packs they sell at walmart, wrap it up nice and snug and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
i would recommend to anyone who is physically active one of these, it works great for all the knots in those worked muscles
this little sucker works great and you add a foam roll to the mix and you got recovery written all over it....
if you need anymore help feel free to pm... i got a boat load of knowledge
no popping, thank all that's holy. It does hurt when I try ROM and I can't fully extend it. There is some swelling below the elbow on my forearm. It happened around 3pm and I've been using ice and a bandage. I have been keeping it above my heart and trying to keep it as immobile as possible. There is a slight constant pain but it increases as I extend it. Other than that I'm hunky-doryany time you ice an injury always make sure to try and keep it above your heart... if it is down below the heart, you are forcing blood which you do not want to the site of the injury which in turn increases swelling, pain and discomfort. the time you do want a lot of blood is about 2 days post injury in order to get all those WBC's and toxins and scar tissue out... you accomplish this by adding some heat therapy, preferably ultrasound heat therapy... the ultrasound heat therapy works great and deliver's heat deep into the joint or muscle and to places normal heat packs do get, although that depends on the injury
Did you hear something pop when you fell?
ANything look out of the ordinary?
what is the pain level?
what have you done so far for it?
how long has it been since this happened?
do you have full ROM(range of motion)?
do you get any pain while going through the ROM?
no problem. i enjoy helping people who actually appreciate my advice. I have trained many people who just dont give a damn about being educated about what they are doing while exercising or whats going on inside their body during activity. Makes me more thorough and helps re educate myself when i am confronted with something i am not too aware of... Like i said, need any help on program design or exercise selection or just some advice on your current program and goals, feel free to pm me.Thanks bro.
no popping, thank all that's holy. It does hurt when I try ROM and I can't fully extend it. There is some swelling below the elbow on my forearm. It happened around 3pm and I've been using ice and a bandage. I have been keeping it above my heart and trying to keep it as immobile as possible. There is a slight constant pain but it increases as I extend it. Other than that I'm hunky-dory
cold heart canyon.... lol i read that when i was like 13... thats when i found out a book can get you wet and horrify you at the same timecoldheart canyon, everville, mr B. Gone,the damnation game, imajica, Theif of Always, Hellbound Heart, Cabal, yattering and jack, Dread, midnight meat train, book of blood.......i can go on forever
thats when i found out a book can get you wet and horrify you at the same time
I have a mini library next to the throne. How much I read depends a lot on my dietSounds like a good book for the Library (the restroom). Sometimes I spend so much time in there my legs go numb, I get a little too engrossed and can't stop. Reading I mean.![]()
I read under the dome, I thought it was his best work in awhile. Probably because he started it in the 70's when his writing was still really good.Right now I'm reading Under The Dome by Stephen King. And let me tell you, I hate Stephen Kings writing... I think he's a mediocre writer at best that just won't quit typing up his bullshit ideas.
I really like Augusten Burroughs, he has a way of keeping my attention.