BONZA SUCKS use attitude!!!

Dead on. I think thats
@sunni. It's said he couldn't verify the billing address. That's what's wrong. He put down bad info. And they can't accept the charge unless he verifies thru the billing address.

Like when you use credit at a pump and it asks for you zip code. It is verifying that you know account details to authorize the charge.

He stole the card. It's clear as day. Why would he be afraid to give a company based out if the UK his info.
Whats going on
"unbearable trauma"

Almost shit myself. If this dummies would have verified himself they would have gave freebies for all the trouble.

Anytime there is the slightest glitch with a seed order, most banks will go far beyond what is need to secure them as a customer.

I have a bunch of positive encounters with seed banks.

These banks put a lot of value into customers. Sometimes too much.

Bonza is one of the banks I had shipping issues with. I ordered and the package never arrived. Emailed bonza, they got another package going and added more freebies. 1 week later (5 weeks after I ordered) the first package arrived. 2 weeks later the second package arrived. I shot bonza an email and told them that both packages came. They told me, "thank you for your business". And to not worry about it. That's it. That action secured them over $2,000 of my business so far.

Good to know this information from a direct consumer of bonza; I've been thinking about trying them out for a change.
The seedbank you mention as an alternative lost their card payment services earlier this year and although now back on no longer accept mastercard.

Your issue with us is actually not something within our control IF we want to continue offering card payments. Fraud is rising significantly and cards without the correct, and relevant, billing details are a major fraud flag. Accepting payments of this kind is the very reason that companies with the industry and such as ours lose payment services. Therefore, our policy is to ensure that you are the owner of the card that you are using - you will also find this very same policy in place at the vast majority of online stores and ultimately it's to protect you as much as us. I'm quite certain you would not appreciate it if your card or card details were stolen and we allowed a transaction to go through our systems which you had not authorised.

The title of this thread is just plain odd. Don't use Bonza because they ACTUALLY take the time to vet transactions for potential fraud. Good luck with your endeavours.
The seedbank you mention as an alternative lost their card payment services earlier this year and although now back on no longer accept mastercard.

Your issue with us is actually not something within our control IF we want to continue offering card payments. Fraud is rising significantly and cards without the correct, and relevant, billing details are a major fraud flag. Accepting payments of this kind is the very reason that companies with the industry and such as ours lose payment services. Therefore, our policy is to ensure that you are the owner of the card that you are using - you will also find this very same policy in place at the vast majority of online stores and ultimately it's to protect you as much as us. I'm quite certain you would not appreciate it if your card or card details were stolen and we allowed a transaction to go through our systems which you had not authorised.

The title of this thread is just plain odd. Don't use Bonza because they ACTUALLY take the time to vet transactions for potential fraud. Good luck with your endeavours.
All day
xD :clap:bongsmilie:spew:
I entered my information correct. and the verification they were asking for WAS A PHOTOCOPY OF MY BANK STATEMENT
LMFAO! from a seedbank YEA RIGHT!!! card is not stolen in fact I used it several times that same day with other online vendors and had no problems. so bonza sucks go somewhere else please
Your card must be stolen. They are questioning you because they can't verify that acct with the info provided.

You need to give them the billing address to the card so that they can verify you as the card holder.

I have never had a problem with bonza.

Next time don't use a stolen credit card.

lmao if the card was stolen i wouldn't be posting about how i tried to card seeds on a public web forum all I am saying is that in my opinion BONZA SEEDBANK SUCKS and I am entitled to express that opinion and provide the facts you decide yourself
"terrifying experience" ? ...little odd way to put it.... o_O

but than lily goes to say we ban users who cannot talk to us ina respectful manner.

heres my two (probably just assuming by your words here and her response) lashed out on a company for doing their job to secure your credit card to make sure something fraudulent isnt happening
while it isnt a fun situation to be in, im not sure what the hell it is with customers who think by screaming at the rep/threatening /excessive swearing at a rep who is helping them is going to get them anywhere
it doesnt get you anywhere.
you can simply get to the root of issues without threatening the customer service reps who are helping you.

but thats not the issue.

something is up with your credit card, whos credit card are you using?
if not you need to call your bank something has been ticked off by them asking you to verify that thats your card.
i would be checking my statements and calling up my bank ASAP.

something is up WITH BONZA SEEDBANK lmao not my credit cards lol they claim my adress ddnt match they are they same billing and shipping and it was correct I checked as lily would say " ill chalk this one up to" IGNORANCE!! lol
The seedbank you mention as an alternative lost their card payment services earlier this year and although now back on no longer accept mastercard.

Your issue with us is actually not something within our control IF we want to continue offering card payments. Fraud is rising significantly and cards without the correct, and relevant, billing details are a major fraud flag. Accepting payments of this kind is the very reason that companies with the industry and such as ours lose payment services. Therefore, our policy is to ensure that you are the owner of the card that you are using - you will also find this very same policy in place at the vast majority of online stores and ultimately it's to protect you as much as us. I'm quite certain you would not appreciate it if your card or card details were stolen and we allowed a transaction to go through our systems which you had not authorised.

The title of this thread is just plain odd. Don't use Bonza because they ACTUALLY take the time to vet transactions for potential fraud. Good luck with your endeavours.

everything was correct just like the several other purchases I made that day with the same card same addresses (billing and shipping do match)
you really should learn to spell, how do people think you can run a business successfully but cannot even correctly spell SEVERAL words in the English language, I mean the site even puts a red line under words which are misspelled and you cant even take the time to right click and correct it but your vigilant about your business practices? HAHAHA
I understand you have to verify and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
if my card got used when I didn't authorize (that's how you spell the word btw) it I would not give a flying fuck because its not my responsibility its the credit card companies NOT YOURS EITHER the credit card company. my details were correct, maybe you misspelled something with my credit card company and that's why you claim something didn't match I dunno but your store sucks. your website looks like it was put together by a 12 year old and your prices are sky high. its like impossible to efficiently navigate and execute a transaction on your web site (obviously!) due to its poor design. you could have said hey we need you to try to put your order thru again something didn't match up but you ask for a copy of my bank statement which has not only all my personal info, possibly my SSN, my balance, outstanding balance, amount due, due date, account number, all my purchases that Ive made YEAH RIGHT even if I wasn't buying cannabis seeds I would NEVER provide that much personal info to anyone. plus it should be noted that it was several days before you even said there was a problem its not like you called me or emailed me or anything right away I got all excited about my seeds coming for a week then learn they haven't even been shipped. well thank god they didn't get shipped actually and I am very glad this situation unfolded the way that it did because now I know!!!!!!!!!!
Actually asking for a bank statement is pretty common although I've never had a seedbank do it. My job even requires it for reimbursement purposes. I at first thought that was odd as well and I was a bit uncomfortable about it as you seem to be untill it was explained to me that I could black out ALL not pertinent information. All they want is the basic info with your banks letterhead on it. You may go thru a sharpies worth of ink to do so but so be it. If you're still worried about giving them even that information well remember you already gave them that information by making a purchase. Yes it's a bit of a hassle I'll agree but most things in life are.
I have ordered from Bonza more than once and I have nothing but good things to say about their speed of service and quality of product. I have always gotten freebie seeds with every order from them.