BONZA SUCKS use attitude!!!


Well-Known Member
placed an order then they send me an email asking for a copy of my bank statement LMFAO
rolling on the floor laughing my fcking azz off. so anything else i wanna buy from anywhere on the internet i dont need to send personal info but to buy weed seeds I do HAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT
attitude over 15 orders ONE got lost and they reshipped the entire order immediatley and they give freebies no freebies at bonza.


why dont I just tell you exactly where I'm growing for fucks sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmfao crazy

ive had nothing but good experiences with attitude they are a+++++++ guaranteed delivery free seeds and a gift like a cup or shirt bonza gives you NOTHING except a feeling of PARANOIA
your wrong

Thank-you for your recent order.

Please accept our sincere apologies however we do require some additional information in order to process your order.

As this is your first order with us, could you please provide a copy of the bank statement for the credit/debit card used in your transaction? This must show both your billing address and the last four digits of the card used. You can scan or photograph the document, or take a screenshot, and email it to us an attachment to this ticket.

We do understand that you take your security very seriously. Please be assured that we do the same. We do not print out any personal document supplied and the attachment will be deleted once verification is completed.

For the purposes of protecting you from payment fraud we do require the requested documentation before we can proceed with your order.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by this issue.

Warmest regards

LMAO then they wanna be a bitch to me

Your order has been cancelled and refunded. Please accept our sincere apologies for the obviously unbearable trauma this whole, terrifying experience has caused you.

Just a word of warning, however, our policy is that we ban users who use cannot talk to us in a respectful manner. I will put this occasion down to frustration however any repeat will see your account banned (although, with the threat of a chargeback this really should have happened already) and the termination of any support or help.

The reason for the ID request was that your address details did not match those held by your bank. To make any future orders with us, you will need to update your records with your bank.

Again, we apologise for any upset and distress this has caused you and we hope you recover quickly.

Warmest Regards,

not to be rude but if bonza sucks so bad and attitude is so0 great why did u use bonza in the first place .___. u should of stuck with what u know works and not become a troll my order is coming in today and i have to say that bonza has done nothing but good descent service to me but i see they get alot of troll's from time to time...i never used a card ive only used bitcoin i never have had a problem this is my 5th order all came in and the seeds were accurate to genetics ...and not to downplay attitude ive seen nothing but good reviews with them so u cant go wrong also bonza just got done with a ware house clearance of 50% off everything and now they are doing free seeds with order over 10 pounds and ive also got some nice freebies before on my 3rd order.. id suggest to try useing bitcoin payment next time might avoid problems but trying to get some can be a bit of a problem to some so either way u might not be happy with it but i know this is no reason to turn away from them...peace ^^
Ur wrong, i always get freebies with bonza and they have never ask me for no bank statements. thats weird if u got that
LMAO then they wanna be a bitch to me

Your order has been cancelled and refunded. Please accept our sincere apologies for the obviously unbearable trauma this whole, terrifying experience has caused you.

Just a word of warning, however, our policy is that we ban users who use cannot talk to us in a respectful manner. I will put this occasion down to frustration however any repeat will see your account banned (although, with the threat of a chargeback this really should have happened already) and the termination of any support or help.

The reason for the ID request was that your address details did not match those held by your bank. To make any future orders with us, you will need to update your records with your bank.

Again, we apologise for any upset and distress this has caused you and we hope you recover quickly.

Warmest Regards,


Your card must be stolen. They are questioning you because they can't verify that acct with the info provided.

You need to give them the billing address to the card so that they can verify you as the card holder.

I have never had a problem with bonza.

Next time don't use a stolen credit card.
"terrifying experience" ? ...little odd way to put it.... o_O

but than lily goes to say we ban users who cannot talk to us ina respectful manner.

heres my two (probably just assuming by your words here and her response) lashed out on a company for doing their job to secure your credit card to make sure something fraudulent isnt happening
while it isnt a fun situation to be in, im not sure what the hell it is with customers who think by screaming at the rep/threatening /excessive swearing at a rep who is helping them is going to get them anywhere
it doesnt get you anywhere.
you can simply get to the root of issues without threatening the customer service reps who are helping you.

but thats not the issue.

something is up with your credit card, whos credit card are you using?
if not you need to call your bank something has been ticked off by them asking you to verify that thats your card.
i would be checking my statements and calling up my bank ASAP.
@sunni. It's said he couldn't verify the billing address. That's what's wrong. He put down bad info. And they can't accept the charge unless he verifies thru the billing address.

Like when you use credit at a pump and it asks for you zip code. It is verifying that you know account details to authorize the charge.

He stole the card. It's clear as day. Why would he be afraid to give a company based out if the UK his info.
@sunni. It's said he couldn't verify the billing address. That's what's wrong. He put down bad info. And they can't accept the charge unless he verifies thru the billing address.

Like when you use credit at a pump and it asks for you zip code. It is verifying that you know account details to authorize the charge.

He stole the card. It's clear as day. Why would he be afraid to give a company based out if the UK his info.
because people who are customers feel entitled and offended when they are asked to provide more information
and more so when they are people buying things that are possibly illegal.

hes upset about the personal info.

it wouldnt surprise me his card is legit, and he fucked up his billing address and hes just pissed off ranting cause they need to require more info
believe me happens more than you think
i unfortunately worked in several call centers in my life time, specific to billing. when you question someone for more information and it has to do with money they get really pissy really fast.

i tried to order from think geek (online website) they took my money held it for 20 business days, and declined /cancelled my order because my billing address was different than my shipping address.
i thought and still think its absolutely ridiculous and i was pretty pissed, but didnt lash out or anything
because people who are customers feel entitled and offended when they are asked to provide more information
and more so when they are people buying things that are possibly illegal.

hes upset about the personal info.

it wouldnt surprise me his card is legit, and he fucked up his billing address and hes just pissed off ranting cause they need to require more info
believe me happens more than you think
i unfortunately worked in several call centers in my life time, specific to billing. when you question someone for more information and it has to do with money they get really pissy really fast.

i tried to order from think geek (online website) they took my money held it for 20 business days, and declined /cancelled my order because my billing address was different than my shipping address.
i thought and still think its absolutely ridiculous and i was pretty pissed, but didnt lash out or anything

Same here. But I'm in a non leagal state. I'm about to post up a copy of my invoices from bonza, attitude, herbies, mws, seedsman fuck all of them. They all have the billing address to my cc on it. It is something required by all sites. Billing address, name and the 3 digit security code are the only ways to verify.

Seed banks will work with you thru their support unlike most companies. I'm sure they were trying to get everything handled.

You are a great mod on here. I saw that people give you shit but if it means anything...

I think you do a great job moderating. I was totally writing a post with you tagged. You read my mind or your spidy senses were tingling.
Same here. But I'm in a non leagal state. I'm about to post up a copy of my invoices from bonza, attitude, herbies, mws, seedsman fuck all of them. They all have the billing address to my cc on it. It is something required by all sites. Billing address, name and the 3 digit security code are the only ways to verify.

Seed banks will work with you thru their support unlike most companies. I'm sure they were trying to get everything handled.

You are a great mod on here. I saw that people give you shit but if it means anything...

I think you do a great job moderating. I was totally writing a post with you tagged. You read my mind or your spidy senses were tingling.
im sure they were trying to help the OP , but that he didnt feel he needed to give them the extra information and he felt defensive and threatened by their response
the ladies response is pretty clear when they asked for his extra info to verify that he sent an email back threatening, yelling or abusing her in some way or else she wouldnt have written

"Your order has been cancelled and refunded. Please accept our sincere apologies for the obviously unbearable trauma this whole, terrifying experience has caused you.
Just a word of warning, however, our policy is that we ban users who use cannot talk to us in a respectful manner."

always always two sides to these posts , always.
like the people freaking out on attitude seeds because they didnt purchase the shipping guarantee and attitude wont resend for free
"unbearable trauma"

Almost shit myself. If this dummies would have verified himself they would have gave freebies for all the trouble.

Anytime there is the slightest glitch with a seed order, most banks will go far beyond what is need to secure them as a customer.

I have a bunch of positive encounters with seed banks.

These banks put a lot of value into customers. Sometimes too much.

Bonza is one of the banks I had shipping issues with. I ordered and the package never arrived. Emailed bonza, they got another package going and added more freebies. 1 week later (5 weeks after I ordered) the first package arrived. 2 weeks later the second package arrived. I shot bonza an email and told them that both packages came. They told me, "thank you for your business". And to not worry about it. That's it. That action secured them over $2,000 of my business so far.