Bongs and tobacco


Well-Known Member
So Im looking to buy a new bong and while looking around the display i saw that they said its a tobacco product and the legal age and all that stuff. It got me wondering since bongs arent meant for weed ( by law) have any of you ever actually just smoked pure tobacco out of yours? I never have and doubt I ever will since i cant even stomach a ciggarette anymore.


Well-Known Member
I have, one of my exs was against weed and found my bong. I smoked a little pipe tobbaccp out of it in an effort to clear my name but she didn't buy it LOL


Well-Known Member
I have, but it was gross. When I was in Israel these guys I met smoked hash mixed with tobacco, it tasted like shit! They were around 25 and never smoked good weed, I felt sorry for them.


Well-Known Member
I emptied a joint with a lot of toby in it into my glass pipe, biggest headrush of my life, like the first time you smoke only worse, but there was a large tobacco:weed ratio in that joint and it would've given me that same headrush even as a joint.


Well-Known Member
When I was 16 and new to weed.......I bought a bong, and after spending about 3 hours trying to score a bag, we emptied out a cig and hit that because we were so excited about hitting a bong for the first time.......

Motherfucker were we dumb.


Well-Known Member
I do NOT like smoking tobacco. I'll likely never smoke it out of a bong. I've never smoked a cigarrette, either, though, so it's not like i'm mr. try everything lol.


New Member
They say it's for tobacco because they can't say it's for weed. We all know it's for weed, but those legalities called red tape........


stays relevant.
Bongs were made for weed originally, but then the law outlawed associating them with it, so "Waterpipes" are now "for tobacco"

I've never smoked tobacco out of one, and probably never will.