Bomb shelter grow room


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the wait!! damn that must have been annoying!! the pictures are probably really big and i don't have time to re size so i through up some links. let me know if they don't work for some reason
Don't know for sure... But, I'd be willing to bet that I speak for all when I say... DUDE, that's a gardeners wet dream!

If you haven't already decided ... How can we talk you in to doing a grow journal?


Well-Known Member
whats with the graffiti on the walls tho , and the bottles n stuff like that.. hopefully that was u that did that graffiti and left garbage behind, otherwise, obviously you aren't the only one to go into that bomb shelter on a reg basis.


Active Member
whats with the graffiti on the walls tho , and the bottles n stuff like that.. hopefully that was u that did that graffiti and left garbage behind, otherwise, obviously you aren't the only one to go into that bomb shelter on a reg basis.
Yea I was thinking that. Are you going to lock it up super tight? Someone will notice locks and try to break in to see the goodies inside.


Active Member
dude that looks really badass! it seems like you could grow way more than five plants in there but yeah if you wanted to keep the electricity to a minimum, five is good.

I'm not sure but by looking at the pictures, it almost looks like you live by a forest preserve, do you? because there would be a chance they have planes that fly over looking for heat signatures... but not this time of year, its just a thought.

I would definitely recommend hiring an electrician to wire that place up, like someone said, it would be worth it and its not like an electrician would question why you would want power in there as long as he gets paid. plus then you could go with an HPS, which would yield better results for multiple plants.
Good luck im really jealous i hope it turns out to be a success!


Active Member
whats with the graffiti on the walls tho , and the bottles n stuff like that.. hopefully that was u that did that graffiti and left garbage behind, otherwise, obviously you aren't the only one to go into that bomb shelter on a reg basis.
oh all that stuff in there is from my bro and i working in there. we painted the walls white and let another one of our friends graffiti in there. we were planning on making it a little smoke spot with some chairs and what not.


Active Member
couldnt help but to notice that there is hella mold in that room. can be a futrue problem
well i forgot to mention that there was a fire in there a long time ago from all the leaves that got blown in there. i did the dirty work and scrubbed down the walls with a wet rag and a bucket of water. the place that looks moldy is just soot we didn't paint over.

thanks for all the reply's. I'll keep you guys posted. i'm going to be looking into some kind of generator if i go through with it so ill have to save a little more money aside. I'll definitely keep a grow journal on here if it happens.


Well-Known Member
my only one suggestion is to re-clean the place with some bleach!!!
to kill any bacteria that might be a problem in the future

and if you can get ahold of panda lining tape that shit all around and all ways make sure your workspace is clean!!!


Active Member
dude that looks really badass! it seems like you could grow way more than five plants in there but yeah if you wanted to keep the electricity to a minimum, five is good.

I'm not sure but by looking at the pictures, it almost looks like you live by a forest preserve, do you? because there would be a chance they have planes that fly over looking for heat signatures... but not this time of year, its just a thought.

I would definitely recommend hiring an electrician to wire that place up, like someone said, it would be worth it and its not like an electrician would question why you would want power in there as long as he gets paid. plus then you could go with an HPS, which would yield better results for multiple plants.
Good luck im really jealous i hope it turns out to be a success!
I do live by a bunch of really tall ucoliptis trees so you might get an idea of where i live but i honestly hope you don't haha. they were planted awhile back and are a pain in the arse when it comes to raking. I have seen planes fly over but usually their just surveying the land somehow. i have seen some pigs fly over and i honestly don't know if they can pick up heat through 2 1/2 ft of dirt a 1ft of cement. only another good reason to keep about 5 plants. oh, and it never snows at my house, only rains and get extremely cold and foggy.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if you ever watched jorge cervantes ultimate grow dvd but buildings not attached to your house are some of the worst places to grow


Well-Known Member
first thing that id do is research the the shelter, inspect how it was built. if it was built correctly, it should be ok for heat and inferred. for at least what your wanting to use it for.
second i would not tell a sole that your going to do this.
and then a couple of ideas i would go with the original thing i told you , if you do it and cover your tracks even if it is found you have no link to it you just loose your shit and probly , and get questioned by some beat cop about it (maybe)
but it s better than going to jail for a felony, pluse loose all your shit and have the cops watching you all the time.

first id take several pics of the out side entry way, then clean the brush away carefully
fix the door and put a big lock on the door. hell go all out and even put some dull paint on it stencil some saying on it that might look authoratative. to mimic oxidation while the paint is tacky litely powder with baby powder. then move back the debries to as close to the pic to make it look growen over. or plant some vines of sort to concell the entrence. then id go nuts. make shure that your leak prof. your gold.


Well-Known Member
you can also mimic oxidisation by sticking presliced bologna all over it (also funny to do to someones car)


Well-Known Member
i thought it was underground ? doesnt look that way. also theres no need to worry about finger prints as there is the cord going to ur house. since its not yours or on your property i would be weary of setting up in there .. and for only 5 plants... do you have a basement in your house ?


Well-Known Member
listen guys, im with you on most of what you've been saying but running the cable is a bad idea all together. think about it, even if you burried the cable and put a shrub next to the outside outlet(thats if you even have one) in a court room how would youanswer a question like (you say somebody must of, been stealing your power, well the cable was barried, didnt you notce where the earth was dug up?) and you cant say somthing like you were away at the time cuz A) they will check your alibi and B) it take dug up earth a long time for grass to grow back and etc. it would look so bad in court. when growing outside your house, you should never incriminate your self. its like your sayin "here I am!!!!" lol seriously your chances of gettin cought are slim because you said that you live in a pretty dead area, but still you should always fix it where if found nobody can ever trace it back yto youm cuz jail time is no joke, trust me. you would know exactly how your plants would feel bein is a cab. shit even if u get off with just fines, there crazy. but anyway i wouldnt do the gas genorator unless your willing to pay for gas, and unless you live in Jersey i think your not going to like that idea after a while. unless you find one that drinks up the littlest amount of gas popssible. im gunna look up some genorator that would best fit this situation. you talk about wearing gloves, thats not the only precaution that you have to take. first off, you should buy everything in cash, never sign for shit. cuz when they find your stash then they are going to search for who bought stuff like that in that area. actually if possible i'd buy from outta town, or hell even outta state. and when your buyinh soil, nuets etc say your growing tomatoes if they ask. say your momma has a greenhouse and your looking for good soil for tomatoes, and shit buy tomato seeds to throw them off, even if you dont like tomatoes. cover your tracks in the snow try to get snow shoes or crawl on your stomache so it dont look like somebody was walking around. or if your gunna walk make sure you kick up snow all around the area so it dont look outta place and it will look like kids were playin in the area and not somebody that was going there for other reasons. also make sure you throw everything involving your grow away in the garbage,a public garbage would be a whole lot better than yours. secondly nobody can see you ever go there so go at night and wear dark clothing so nobody would be able to tell if it was you or not. and if you do leave footprints goin to your house might i suggest hiding your boots and get them in like maybe 2 sizes bigger or smaller than yours so they can't say it was you or walk out to the street and chuck the boots somewhere and put on your other boots. (note: this reffers to a muddy or snowy area) theres alot of things you gotta do to make sure it don't get back to you. I live in NY and the county Police are real fuckin assholes so were used to coverin our tracks when it comes to this stuff. but anyway thats pretty much it, i hoped i helped any remember, send pics!!!


Well-Known Member
pretty tight bro. its in the woods too? perfect. might i suggest takin some Bleach to that bitch forreal lol. also you gotta worry bout bugs eating your crop. so you might wanna use a fogger first, then some sort of repellant to keep them from goin inside in the first place.
