The soil agronomist that I hired HATES the stuff, he said that he has clients that have failed for heavy metal(arsenic) in their bud. Kelp doesn't even raise micronutrient levels like "Bro Science" suggests. I started using my left over kelp as lawn fertilizer lol. Before I hired an agronomist, I was using Soil Savvy test kits from Amazon. I would get soil tests back that would show that I was very low in Mn, Zn, Cu, and B. I used kelp pretty heavy handed and retested. Sodium would go through the roof while K, Cu, and Fe would get a slight bump but I was mostly dealing with a Mn def and all of these natural inputs wasn't helping. Greensand worked the best, but it's also contaminated with lead. By the time that I was using enough rock dust, I would start getting toxic levels of containments but I'm mostly looking at kelp and azomite. I still use basalt and greensand, but not nearly at the rate that I was using before, which was around 2cups/Cu.ft(heavy handed). Anyways, I started using a lot more sulfates for my micronutrients and things are starting to work out a lot better. Before, I was using TM-7/Big-6 but wasn't really having any luck. Again, by the time that I got enough Mn in my soil, the other elements were getting out of balance. So, using Mn sulfate in my water has been a game changer for me. Hiring the soil agronomist helped me dial in my "Base saturation ratio" which I was badly over-looking and I was hyper-focused on micronutrients, but I still wasn't doing it correctly... Sorry to be so long winded, but the moral of the story is that I was using kelp to raise micronutrients, but it wasn't even doing that. Rock dust wasn't any help either with trace minerals. Getting soil tests and hiring an agronomist to help me with a soil Rx has been a game changer. I just wish that someone would have told me about this 10yrs ago, I always have to figure stuff out the hard way. The organic section wasn't much help, because most of my theories go against "Bro Science" and I was getting ridiculed for not following suit and going against the grain. However, I was watching "Future Cannabis Project" on youtube and the agronomist that I ended up hiring talked about this exact problem on the pod and I knew that I found the right guy. I feel selfish that I don't want to share his name, but I promised him that I would spread word of how he has helped me. They start talking about kelp and rock dust just before the 1hr mark, like 58min or so.