bodhi seeds

Hey all!
Yesterday I sweated my ass off pruning 3 huge, in the ground Purple U X SSDD; all of which will not finish til' late October.
Can't wait to post pics of developing buds, as leaves already are turning purple; and 1 smells like black licorice.!
First time ever I smelled that pheno or oil, in over 100 Bodhi plants.
This is a bit off topic, but not sure where else to ask. Ordered recently with The Seed Source. Had an issue, corrected it, was told over email they would ship out in 1-2 days. Havent gotten tracking or a confirmation of shipping, and no further contact once I sent payment. Anyone else have issues with this particular bank? Maybe I'm just antsy about the amount of funds potentially lost. I may be in minority here but seeds are just outrageously priced. I have been breeding lines of unknown origin, and with the amount of seeds I have, hell I could be rich given these prices.

With that said, I have been a longtime lurker of the magical work being done by Bodhi, and I thank each and everyone of you for posting and giving valuable information for the prized pheno seekers out there looking to get their next best harvest. Speaking of phenos, does anyone know which way Mendo Sunshine likes to lean? I got some bud back in 2014 that must of been the butter cut of SSDD because I can still taste the warm hashey butter coated smoke.
I've never ordered Bodhi from them, but I ordered some ILE seeds. Not one sprouted. I ordered the same seeds from Seedsforme, and had 100% germination. I think the guy runs it out of his house in Massachusetts... "incanlama" is what he goes by, says everyone knows him, something that's debatable. There was some speculation at one point whether or not what he was selling was true, but I don't know enough about it, so I don't want to slander the man, but after the 20 dud seeds he sent me, I'll probably not order from him again.
No date on the GLG email list yet. In the past JBC has released before GLG, I'd imagine it would've been announced by now if GLG was dropping it in ~24 hours.
GLG might only give a few hours notice to avoid their site getting too hammered--especially since they're expecting gems like Black Triangle and Mexican Death Sativa

I've never ordered from The Seed Source, but what I've heard Incanlama is an old head who has carried Bodhi gear as long or longer than some other seed banks. The simple reason I haven't ordered from his site is I like the ability to choose my Bodhi freebies.

anyone have any experience with the angel wing afghani? What are your thought on using the golden hashplant as an Appalachia substitute for backcrossing?
I think DLA 15 in the upcoming drop is the first release containing the angel wing afghani, so the only people who might have experience with it are testers--though I haven't seen anyone post anything here regarding testers for that one. Regarding Appalachia, I'm pretty certain Bodhi found the male in seeds obtained from High & Lonesome. There are probably F3 or beyond seeds of Appalachia around if you look for them.
Well thanks for the information guys, I have received tracking and all is in order. Now I dont know if I should be worried about dud seeds, the journey will continue regardless.

The seed gods are laughing at me now though, what irony to make my first seed order after years of waiting then a 10% off sale and BOGO for Bodhi? Does anyone know if GLG takes BTC? I emailed them about a month ago and still have yet to hear anything...

Now what we are really here for.

I started with a bagseed of spacecake turned out to be female, I hit it with an unknown male that had extreme vigor and was exhibiting trichomes one week into flower. Pollen chucking at its best I let them mingle, and this is the result. I have yet to see any spacecake prodigy look quite as foxtailed, so I am thinking the bagseed never was spacecake to begin with. Sure is a pretty strain to watch though. She comes through with a dank swamp, gymlocker funk, transitioning to a powdered sugar, sweet tart candy over load.

Didn't see anyone post this here yet, but I saw a few hours ago that DBJ posted in response to a question about timing on IG that they hoped to have them up as soon as they can (counting and sorting) but they're aiming for noon eastern. There's like three of four IG accounts at this point, can't remember which one that was in.
Didn't see anyone post this here yet, but I saw a few hours ago that DBJ posted in response to a question about timing on IG that they hoped to have them up as soon as they can (counting and sorting) but they're aiming for noon eastern. There's like three of four IG accounts at this point, can't remember which one that was in.
Just saw that on the main IG GLG page. Looks like they are aiming for noon tomorrow. Get your thumb all stretched out to refresh. Server went down on the last one I think.
I got quite a laugh about the timing of the drop after placing my LE hoodie order and an order from elsewhwere. I had to ask for more hours at work the next 2 weeks to catch up for the damage I may do myself haha
The OT got the girlfriend calmed on money, now I just have to make up to her for being at work so much these next 2 weeks.
I got quite a laugh about the timing of the drop after placing my LE hoodie order and an order from elsewhwere. I had to ask for more hours at work the next 2 weeks to catch up for the damage I may do myself haha
The OT got the girlfriend calmed on money, now I just have to make up to her for being at work so much these next 2 weeks.
My name is Rufus, I am a seed addict.

Ten days ago I fell of the wagon ending a summer of sobriety. It all started with a charity auction with a Bodhi/MeanGene collab. Then I took on a flier on some Osiris, based solely on IG pics. Then there was the long lost Bodhi SS freebie, had to have that. Got my order started for tomorrow already, more long lost SS freebies and some Tony Green GG4 RIL cause that's a bonus ten seeds and five Bubble BX5. At the risk of rationalizing I don't feel that guilty about that one cause seems like there's a lot work that went into those lines. Plus a guy should have some of those to balance out the F1's.

Anyway my point in all of this is maybe you need somebody to cut your yard? lol
The soil agronomist that I hired HATES the stuff, he said that he has clients that have failed for heavy metal(arsenic) in their bud. Kelp doesn't even raise micronutrient levels like "Bro Science" suggests. I started using my left over kelp as lawn fertilizer lol. Before I hired an agronomist, I was using Soil Savvy test kits from Amazon. I would get soil tests back that would show that I was very low in Mn, Zn, Cu, and B. I used kelp pretty heavy handed and retested. Sodium would go through the roof while K, Cu, and Fe would get a slight bump but I was mostly dealing with a Mn def and all of these natural inputs wasn't helping. Greensand worked the best, but it's also contaminated with lead. By the time that I was using enough rock dust, I would start getting toxic levels of containments but I'm mostly looking at kelp and azomite. I still use basalt and greensand, but not nearly at the rate that I was using before, which was around 2cups/Cu.ft(heavy handed). Anyways, I started using a lot more sulfates for my micronutrients and things are starting to work out a lot better. Before, I was using TM-7/Big-6 but wasn't really having any luck. Again, by the time that I got enough Mn in my soil, the other elements were getting out of balance. So, using Mn sulfate in my water has been a game changer for me. Hiring the soil agronomist helped me dial in my "Base saturation ratio" which I was badly over-looking and I was hyper-focused on micronutrients, but I still wasn't doing it correctly... Sorry to be so long winded, but the moral of the story is that I was using kelp to raise micronutrients, but it wasn't even doing that. Rock dust wasn't any help either with trace minerals. Getting soil tests and hiring an agronomist to help me with a soil Rx has been a game changer. I just wish that someone would have told me about this 10yrs ago, I always have to figure stuff out the hard way. The organic section wasn't much help, because most of my theories go against "Bro Science" and I was getting ridiculed for not following suit and going against the grain. However, I was watching "Future Cannabis Project" on youtube and the agronomist that I ended up hiring talked about this exact problem on the pod and I knew that I found the right guy. I feel selfish that I don't want to share his name, but I promised him that I would spread word of how he has helped me. They start talking about kelp and rock dust just before the 1hr mark, like 58min or so.
Organic gardening is a never ending process, and the things we do affect us for many years. I’m just now seeing the benefits of things I added 4 years ago. It’s a beautiful balance and it fits with my outdoor style.

To keep it bodhi related, wrote this smoking on a joint of neroli 91 from last year’s outdoor, definitely improves every time I open the jar, benefits from a long cure for sure
My name is Rufus, I am a seed addict.

Ten days ago I fell of the wagon ending a summer of sobriety. It all started with a charity auction with a Bodhi/MeanGene collab. Then I took on a flier on some Osiris, based solely on IG pics. Then there was the long lost Bodhi SS freebie, had to have that. Got my order started for tomorrow already, more long lost SS freebies and some Tony Green GG4 RIL cause that's a bonus ten seeds and five Bubble BX5. At the risk of rationalizing I don't feel that guilty about that one cause seems like there's a lot work that went into those lines. Plus a guy should have some of those to balance out the F1's.

Anyway my point in all of this is maybe you need somebody to cut your yard? lol
I've no guilt about my weakness to a good sale. In a few weeks when I'm back to growing, I'll have plenty o'beans!
I'm pretty sure I won't be shopping again until the next drop though.