** Bob Bitchen's Beans ** Community Journal **

Here's a Chicken Dinner Day 60 flower. This one has the Chernobyl traits with growth/frost/bud/ and skinnier leaves, but the terps are very strong fireballs (peppery Ginger-ale with a faint lime/sprite back-end).

I have one more huge Chicken Dinner in veg that's a "fat leaf" one (didn't have room in the flower tent this run), totally different structure so excited to see how that does.IMG_6387.jpegIMG_6386.jpeg
Who's gonna follow that? Really nice job @Tvanmunhen

chenobyl 32 days in.png

From August 18th

Chenobyl 2 upclose.png
chernobyl #1 copy.png

Currently on Day 47. Cutting around Day 60 - 65.

chernobyl 2 copy.png

The thinner phenotype (Chernobyl #2) looks crazy despite me feeding it exactly like Chernobyl #1. However, it smells fantastic and it's still packing on weight. Is it possible to harvest this one before 60 days or should I just wait? I have a perpetual grow going and I want to grow Meltdown S1 next.