Blunts First Harvest! Lots o' Pics


Active Member
lets say that biig bud weighs ~12g. what would it weigh after the cure/dry is all finished & ready to smoke?

*thanks for your opinion bro, you def made me change my mind, i didnt even think of it moistening up while trying to cure. lol thanks again


Well-Known Member
Not a problem bro, glad to help. And to answer your Q... I've found that a good guestimate is the bud is gonna weigh somewhere around 25% of what it was when it was wet, when it's dry. So if I had to guess, I'd say that '12g' bud will weigh 3-4g's.

Again that's just my best guestimate...


Active Member
damn thats about a bitch. thats a big difference, but are you talking like compressed nugs or somewhat fluffy buds?

and how do i prevent the 'stringy weed'? is that were the trimming comes in?


Active Member
this aint no chronic this just some bagseed. ive gotten some shit where i go to break apart a bud, and it pulls apart all stringy, i think its the leaves all dried in the bud, and when ripped apart the leaves come apart and give it the stringy look.


Active Member
how would i know when the buds are ready to be cured? they are already crispy to the touch, and the stems snap, but i know its not ready yet.


Well-Known Member
how would i know when the buds are ready to be cured? they are already crispy to the touch, and the stems snap, but i know its not ready yet.
I've always read that when the stems snap clean you can start your cure. I think Fdd might even start a bit before they snap.

I think if it's warm and dry in your drying area they could dry in 4-5 days. I've heard a lot of people say 1 week minimum of drying.

Good luck and grats on your first harvest!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
cannabis has much more tar than cigs just fyi... now i know cigs are a lot more unhealthy but inhaling any kind of smoke is bad for you. just wondering (look at the last pic) if there will be harmfull smoke entering there, even though we are ~10ft away from the closet
It's not about the tar it's the nicotine.

Not sure if that matters during drying though, but its bad when your growing... I'm too baked to look.

Tell me how that smokes dude, it looks like my plant right now



cool cool so iʻm guessing youʻre in the tropics. then finding a variety of flashy plants with a lot of bright colored flowers shouldnʻt be a problem. Pineapples are fun, my dad always has a couple growing. i was growing one too and ppl always asked what the hell it was. (some stupid ass ppl like my ex girlfriend thought they grew on trees)


Active Member
ahha thats funny, have a big ass pineapple tree.

thanks for the comments ill be starting the curing here soon. ill be updating the thread


Active Member
not sure if you can tell from pics when the curing should start, but here are pics anyway

Ill grab a thick ass stem, and itll break, but only on the inside, the outer 'skin' of the stem keeps it somewhat intact. i havested on the 12th, these pics were on the 17th.

I plan to cure for 1.5 - 2 weeks


Active Member
come to find out they were pretty dry. i chose to pick out a little bud and roll it up, and it smoked just fine. it was a little harsh but it was dry. got me very very baked too lol. put it into jars after tediously cutting all the little stems i could fine. this is stemless for the most part, and of coarse, we dont rock seeds round herr.



Active Member
nice bluntman way to go bro.....representing the sunshine state.....i def got a garden going with my backyard stealth i dunno if u checked out grandmahs overload garden in the gardening section or my journals but i got 1 stealth bag seed going that Ive kept under a foot tall with some pruning and LST ing outdoor of course and my short rider is almost ways morning glorys vine real nice grow like a weed and can hide pot if planted right.......

monty Python

Active Member
hi mate. Good job. Enjoy that.

When you hung your buds in the closet to dry, did you use any odour control ?

How bad was the smell when drying ?

Im coming up to my first harvest and iv overlooked how im gonna dry the buds in stealth with as least smell as possible, but in the best conditions possible ofc.

Your clothes must smell like bob marleys, no ?