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  • Im going to bring the male over tomarrow I think, and if you dont mind Id like to borrow some of that root stuff
    The bagseeds lookin yummy, you can see a huge difference when compared to the first pics you posted.

    Yeah Im guessing the tent should be there by the middle or the end of the week. Oh and how do like your gazeebo lol
    May package was shipped friday the 7th, so it should show up this week sometime. They were sold out and had to wait for a new shipment....................I'll check out that Endgame vid, I think I may have heard of it. Is it an Alex Jones flick? Here is a link to some new films by Jones, havent checked them yet but heard they are good. Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined and Police State 4: Rise of FEMA
    I just got done grappling. i got caught in a shoulder lock and had to tap. I locked up a pretty sweet arm bar from mount and tapped old dave.

    I got the little cuttings all set up in their new home. Hoping to have some pictures up tomorrow. The flower room is getting fun to watch. I swear the bagseed stretched about 6 inches in 2 days, but now it seems to be putting on some weight.
    I checked on that waterbed heater and I do got an extra if you want it. I been kinda under the weather tho, so youll have to come by to get it. Later
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