Blueberry cloning issue


Well-Known Member
For some reason Im having great difficulties cloning Blueberry in rockwool, at the moment Im cloning in root riot which works great although it take 2 weeks to establish roots.

Take a look at the pic...
This is what happens every time I attempt to clone in rock wool what are the curly branches & bent stems an indication of?



Active Member
Its most likely stress. Don't worry just keep the humidity high and let them go. Believe me my first batch of clones looked far worse than that but I ended up having a 100 percent success rate.


Well-Known Member
Its most likely stress. Don't worry just keep the humidity high and let them go. Believe me my first batch of clones looked far worse than that but I ended up having a 100 percent success rate.
They usually take 2 weeks to form roots in root riot cubes so Ill give this RW clone 3 weeks, the humidity is at 85% rh with the dome on.


Active Member
Yea, mine took about 3 weeks, they looked really bad. 1 of them actually bent all the way over and was facing the ground for a while but ironically they are in their 5th week of flowering right now and that one is the tallest, healthiest plant. Just a heads up, the way I did it was straight from Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible. If you dont have this book, I highly recommend it. I am a second time grower now and that book saved the day more than a few times. But anyway, I also noticed that the smaller clones seemed to do a lot better, a lot faster. I took from the lowest part of my vegging plant on the last 2 i did and they ended up overtaking the bigger clones I took which were about the size of the one you have in the picture. I cut the last 2 clones about an inch below the 3rd set of leaves and then cut off the 3rd set of leaves(lowest set). I then had about 1 1/2 inches of stem from the leaves down. Then I took a sterilized razor and split the stem at the bottom about 1/2 inch long and scrapped the outer layer of the stem off for that 1/2 an inch(I mean very carefully and lightly, hardly taking anything off. Then I just dipped them in "Clonex Rooting Compound" and stuck them in a rock wool cube that I had soakin in "Olivia's Cloning Solution" adjusted to 5.8 PH. Another thing that I did on my current set of vegging plants was I started giving them Flora Nova Grow at 150 PPM(Flora Nova Nutes are what I use all the way through)after the first week because they all were rooting well and man they took off. I only did this as a test because the book says not to give clones any ferts early because it can kill the root hairs but I figured 150 ppm couldn't hurt because my water here is 230 ppm; I do have an RO filter now but I didnt when I started from seed and I watered the seeds with it and the plants did fine). I hope this helps because I know how it feels when they look like that but now I have all the faith in the world that I'll have good success with cloning because they went to hell and back and are doing outstanding right now!!!! ;)


Active Member
Oh, and i forgot to tell you that I kept the RH at about 85-90 in a cloning dome with a 65W CFL Flood light about 1 inch from the top of the dome. :)