blubbery weed


Well-Known Member
yup it does... But how does a Cannabis plant that knows nothing of mangos and oranges get the aroma of these fruits... If it never met one... or something like that... i dont know I dont have a clue


Well-Known Member
i heard a roumer that you re able to splice or grow a weed plant, off a mango tree or citrus trees and it was this that gives the weed is flavour.

anyone able to conferm or deny this?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Yup..that's EXACTLY how it's done....

and if you want "skunk pot" you merely shove the plant up a skunk's ass for 8 weeks.

Want it to taste like Chocolate? Graph that clone onto a Hershey's bar, kids..

Guys...for the last time...the flavors you are talking about are NATURALLY OCCURRING in the CANNABIS plant. ***NATURALLY OCCURRING***.

There's no grafting.

No spraying corn syrup flavorings on the buds

No orange trees

No chocolate bars

No apples or orange peels stuck in the bag of bud (to mold)

No trickery or's just THE PLANT showing it's INDIVIDUAL characteristics and genetic imprint in full.


Search for Robert C. Clarke on the Net. He wrote major thesis type research papers on the plant..on breeding the plant..etc. If you really want to know WHY this plant tastes and smells so differently from strain to strain I would suggest heading to FACT rather than fiction.

In the end..just remember that potions and flavorings are NOT involved in QUALITY MARIJUANA because they are NOT NEEDED. If you have to ADD flavor to it to make it taste good/like fruit....yer DOPE SUCKS ASS.

good genetics are the key and there's no substitution that will hit the mark.

bt dt


Well-Known Member
O.K. thanks... I'm going to look into this guys master thesis... I just don;t get how a canabis plant that never ate chocoalte is going to be like hmm I'm going to get some chocolate smell up in this bitch.... you know... because they don't know about each other... I dont get how a natural plant learns about un natural falavors... and how it learns period/


Well-Known Member
hahaha... yes I purposely misspelled retarded to further prove my point... that I am in fact retarded.


Well-Known Member
Man and Roberts C. clarks book is actually a book... that I have to purchase? no online version around?... If not I will eventualy buy this book... If it does tell me about flavored cannabis... but probably not for a while...