Blm, the next level

Ate I never said they ripped down statues of soldiers, but they vandalised the fuck outta their graves and memorials. And you cannot deny that because they did. Everywhere...
whose graves got vandalized? the people that "feared nazi domination"?

show me whose graves got vandalized that you are crying about
Hey retard they aren't taking those statues down. They're taking down statues of Southern civil war soldiers who "didn't know what they were fighting for and had no choice" according to slave owners ancestors and the poor rednecks they continuously dupe. God you're so stupid.
You’re the retard I never said they ripped soldiers statues down but they wanted to take a lot of other statues down such as winston Churchill’s, that was my arguement. So learn to read and educate yourself on what has been happening recently you moron. I really feel sorry for you that you lack any brain cells.
You’re the retard I never said they ripped soldiers statues down but they wanted to take a lot of other statues down such as winston Churchill’s, that was my arguement. So learn to read and educate yourself on what has been happening recently you moron. I really feel sorry for you that you lack any brain cells.
if you're not too busy crying about winston "the aryan race is bound to triumph" churchill, let me know about whose graves they vandalized that you are also crying about

Most people on this topic are fucking diluded, I'm going to say it that the blm protests were terribly executed and turned into a big joke.
The protests were fine. The white supremacists and government agitators fucked up the protests. What BLM is doing wrong is not having a clear list of reforms and laws they want to change. They need a platform and a charismatic leader.
It doesn't, I never said it did. Are you putting words in my mouth or just making assumptions?
Ive watched Ben Shapiro and other neocon morons and never do they ever talk about finances and the economy. It's all about social policies that are thinly veiled racism
Lool many was on the news daily of gravesite and war memorials being vandalised and spray painted by demonstrators, some even filmed it well they vandalised it, hundreds of graves with nazi signs and BLM sprayed all over them, You only prove my point even more that you’re indeed dumber than I thought.
Post a link you fucking tweenage tard.
Ive watched Ben Shapiro and other neocon morons and never do they ever talk about finances and the economy. It's all about social policies that are thinly veiled racism
I'm not a fan of Shapiro or most Conservatives and don't really follow most of it to be honest.
Lool many was on the news daily of gravesite and war memorials being vandalised and spray painted by demonstrators, some even filmed it well they vandalised it, hundreds of graves with nazi signs and BLM sprayed all over them, You only prove my point even more that you’re indeed dumber than I thought.
why arent you saying whose graves got vandalized?

didnt you say they were normal folks who "feared nazi domination"?

spit it up, kiddo
So what the fuck are you taking about?

I think both the right and left have lost their minds. Just because I don't buy into everything left doesn't mean I support the right. I have the right to disagree with some of the tactics and direction of the unchecked left.
I ain’t even going to bother, look it up yourself you retard or do you lack the skills to do that? A simple google search is all you need to do simpleton.
I have and there is nothing. I found the Churchill article and posted a link to it and why the destruction of the statue based on his racist past was legit. What the fuck are you talking about simple jack?
I ain’t even going to bother, look it up yourself you retard or do you lack the skills to do that? A simple google search is all you need to do simpleton.
ive been stringing you along knowing you would pussy out because the graves that were defaced went those that "feared nazi domination" as you put it.

the graves that got defaced were confederate soldiers fighting to uphold slavery you lying dipshit.