Blew my breaker, plug grounded?

In my home I have a 150 amp main, I had to move my range, clothes dryer and hot water heater over to gas to free up the amps for the 125 amp subpanel my grow runs on. I typically pull 80 - 90 amps per leg on that panel so I needed that power. Still had to put the flowering rooms on a flip.

Remember a breaker only typically carries 80% of its rating continuously before it will trip. So a 100 amp main is like 80 amps of usable power.
Yeah, I did that too- and then I found out that the fucking ovens on gas ranges are still electric!
I did have to run a 120 volt line for the range to run the electronics like the timers and lights, ignitors for the gas.
I did have to run a 120 volt line for the range to run the electronics like the timers and lights, ignitors for the gas.
Mine is dual fuel; gas up top and electric oven. I found a lot were that way. Mine is a commerical oven and I only spent $500 on it used; the new version was $5k. For that, I'll just put up with it lol
Mine is dual fuel; gas up top and electric oven. I found a lot were that way. Mine is a commerical oven and I only spent $500 on it used; the new version was $5k. For that, I'll just put up with it lol
Mine is just a Maytag lol. It works and uses gas for all the heating. I prefer to cook with gas because the heat is adjustable instantly. I brought the gas appliances with me from missouri so all I had to buy was the water heater.
Mine is dual fuel; gas up top and electric oven. I found a lot were that way. Mine is a commerical oven and I only spent $500 on it used; the new version was $5k. For that, I'll just put up with it lol
commercial oven for 500 bucks! yea you better stick to that bad boy! This is the first i have ever heard of a half electric and half gas myself. i rock a whirlpool. 2001 classic. Electric cooking sucks! i need to grab a gas one.
They are 240 volt amps, or 80 amps per leg of 120 volts.
I would have to involve the power company to upgrade right?
Just watched a youtube video on it. I see the electric company doesnt have to,go,im the house but the electrician would.
I dont know how comfortable id be doing the power coming into the meter but im pretty sure once they do that and hook it to the service panel, i could handle the rest...
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I would have to involve the power company to upgrade right?
Just watched a youtube video on it. I see the electric company doesnt have to,go,im the house but the electrician would.
I dont know how comfortable id be doing the power coming into the meter but im pretty sure once they do that and hook it to the service panel, i could handle the rest...
The poco will pull the meter killing power, the electrician will upgrade the panel / disconnect / meter base and the work is inspected before the POCO will do their part and then re stab the meter.
The poco will pull the meter killing power, the electrician will upgrade the panel / disconnect / meter base and the work is inspected before the POCO will do their part and then re stab the meter.
Inspection inside thw basement or just at the meter and ground?
Inspection inside thw basement or just at the meter and ground?
Where ever work has been done. If the switch panel has been upgraded and is inside the home, the inspector will need access to that. If the switch panel, disconnect and meter base are all outside then the inspector won't need to go inside.
Where ever work has been done. If the switch panel has been upgraded and is inside the home, the inspector will need access to that. If the switch panel, disconnect and meter base are all outside then the inspector won't need to go inside.
Switch panel?

I have in the basement what im calling the service panel. The 2 hot wires come into the top and into a 100 amp breaker. That's all im seeing on the inside.
What would you suggest i have done ? I need at least 150 amps.
Im thinking no matter what, there would be new bigger hot wires from the meter to my service panel right?
Switch panel?
Where the breakers are located. Often in new construction they are placed outside, that situation would make it so the inspector doesn't need to go inside.

The 100 amp "main" breaker is the disconnect. Now we like to put a main breaker outside with the meter base and just have a "main lug only" panel inside for the individual circuit breakers. Sometimes it's placed outside. Panel locations need to be code compliant and sometimes it's in a garage, outside, other locations sometimes grandfathered in.
To get a service upgrade is quite simply going to require that an inspector sign off on the work even if it's done by a homeowner using a permit they pulled themselves. Other than the owner of the residence only a licensed electrician or general contractor can pull the permit. The power company won't stab the new meter until the work is signed off on by a county inspector.
Just FYI - A way to justify more amperage when asking for a service upgrade is to say you are planning to install an electric on demand hot water heater, many of those need at least 100 amps of 240 volt all to their own.
I ran underground conduit/lines and wired up my barn myself last fall. The only thing I needed a master electrician for was to do the weatherhead on the pole, set the meter panel at the pole and get in touch with hydro for them to make their connections and set the meter. Legally, not one permit was needed in the town I live in. Gotta love small town inspectors and codes :lol:
To get a service upgrade is quite simply going to require that an inspector sign off on the work even if it's done by a homeowner using a permit they pulled themselves. Other than the owner of the residence only a licensed electrician or general contractor can pull the permit. The power company won't stab the new meter until the work is signed off on by a county inspector.
This is what i have now. What im thinking is i can eke out this first harvest and then shut down. Pull the 3 dedicated circuit wires out of the box. Thats what you see on the left with the tape....
Then i hurry up and get the 200 installed. Nobody should need to go any further than the box i pictured. So i can kind of hide it.
Then once theyre finished i can hook back up. Plus im going to need to install a mini split. Probably 24000 btu.
Im barely making it now with a 10k and 5 k window ac's.
The temps spiked but it looks like theyre dropping friday. My ante room is where the passive intake happens and there is a window there so winter will,be my friend.


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How many amps is your grow pulling, remember the bulk of it is only 12 hours a day. I'm pretty sure they make something that lets you divert power from your dryer circuit. You would just have to do your laundry on the 12 hours your lights are off.
This is what i have now. What im thinking is i can eke out this first harvest and then shut down. Pull the 3 dedicated circuit wires out of the box. Thats what you see on the left with the tape....
Then i hurry up and get the 200 installed. Nobody should need to go any further than the box i pictured. So i can kind of hide it.
Then once theyre finished i can hook back up. Plus im going to need to install a mini split. Probably 24000 btu.
Im barely making it now with a 10k and 5 k window ac's.
The temps spiked but it looks like theyre dropping friday. My ante room is where the passive intake happens and there is a window there so winter will,be my friend.
That is your main panel. Thats what will need upgraded along with the wires going to it and probably the meter base outside. You do not have to hide your circuits , the electrician does not care or know , its just extra wires to him. (as long as they dont run along the floor to the grow room)
He will only need access to the box in your pic and the box running to that main panel. ( he is also going to want to upgrade the pipe going to that picture , so he will need access to all that too.)
The inspector is just going to look at the new meter/dissconnect/main panel and the connections. Hes not going to follow any of your wires. He may follow that pipe just to make sure the pipe is not busted or cut out and to make sure the new pipe is properly hooked up.
You did ok hooking up the new wires. The only thing the inspector would bitch about is that you did not use connectors for your wires to run through the panel. your also not supposed to put two neutrals under the same screw but as long as thery are the same size wire then it will be fine. Mine dont look much different.