Blaze & Daze

Same, I need a new recipe without chocolate. Like buttered popcorn, cant eat too much of that 2 days in a row.
Cherry Winks for the holidays, leaving them out for Santa and and his helpers.
At work, we had some engineers come from Quebec to work on broadband internet in the early 2000s. I'd grown a ton of bubblegum and extracted it into butter. It was suggested that they try it on popcorn - keeping in mind that 3 - 5ml of butter went into one cookie. They didn't heed any information provided and showed up late the next morning still elevated. Good times.
We’ve got ourselves an 11 year old. As I do every year, decorated the house after he was in bed (balloons, banners etc). As expected, Levi woke up excited and early (6am) anticipating his new trick scooter, which I’m told is being delivered today.
That seems reasonable for RIU brethren,
For the record, I’m about 2 J’s and a Crafty bowl daily, so puttin’ up pedestrian numbers ;)
It was and is a coffee with tincture kind of morning. I was thinking of making some good old fashioned brownies. Like we used to make, with a lid of Colombian ground up in some Betty Crocker brownie mix. Is that still a thing can I grind up some flower and just dump it and follow the directions on the box?
It was and is a coffee with tincture kind of morning. I was thinking of making some good old fashioned brownies. Like we used to make, with a lid of Colombian ground up in some Betty Crocker brownie mix. Is that still a thing can I grind up some flower and just dump it and follow the directions on the box?
You could decarb it first for better effect. Wrap the lid loosely in some tin foil and bake at 240 for 20 minutes. Then proceed in the manner of our ancestors (Betty Crocker)