Blaze & Daze

we have those for all my garden visitors. by law we are not allowed to trap and relocate anything here; however we still do. we drove 10 miles out of the county with a groundhog (not one that my dog killed; she isn't 100% successful) in the back of the subaru and HOLY SHIT the odor on that guy was putrid. he had shit all in the cage, and smeared it all over the leaves that were in it. we were both gagging the whole way, but there are too many park rangers near our house so we didn't have a choice but to drive him pretty far out.
those cages work a charm, though. we use them in the garage for mice too. one of our tricks is to smear peanut butter on the top center, right above the lever thing on the bottom, so the animal will pretty much always trip the door to get to the peanut butter.
Yup and a Cheerio pushed in peanut butter works well