Blaze & Daze back from the store. Going through self checkout, the idiot handing out coupons decided I needed help and jumped into my space and messed with my touch screen. I could smell his tobacco breath. I'm afraid I used my outdoor voice but seriously I don't need some tweaker anywhere near me. I use the self checkout for a reason!

I'd bet that outdoor voice booms. Lol poor guy :lol: back from the store. Going through self checkout, the idiot handing out coupons decided I needed help and jumped into my space and messed with my touch screen. I could smell his tobacco breath. I'm afraid I used my outdoor voice but seriously I don't need some tweaker anywhere near me. I use the self checkout for a reason!
I love when your stuck behind many people all using them with a full cart and don't know what they are doing :wall: back from the store.

Same here. Today was the monthly escapade. 75 miles one way to Pueblo for a mouse to feed the snake. The closer, 45 mile away pet store just closed in you do what ya gotta do sometimes here in RuralLand.

Might as well field the "you have a snake?" "I hate snakes" inquiries/comments. LOL. Yeah...I bought him in 1997 for my 7 year old son....who passed in we got "Bobbo" back. He's a mid-Baja Desert Rosy Boa...3 ft long....and 27 years old. It's one of those commitments we made and hold true to. My son would smile if he knew we still had him. Excuse me while I say "Fuck me".

Same here. Today was the monthly escapade. 75 miles one way to Pueblo for a mouse to feed the snake. The closer, 45 mile away pet store just closed in you do what ya gotta do sometimes here in RuralLand.

Might as well field the "you have a snake?" "I hate snakes" inquiries/comments. LOL. Yeah...I bought him in 1997 for my 7 year old son....who passed in we got "Bobbo" back. He's a mid-Baja Desert Rosy Boa...3 ft long....and 27 years old. It's one of those commitments we made and hold true to. My son would smile if he knew we still had him. Excuse me while I say "Fuck me".

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Has @Jeffislovinlife told you how to figure out how old they are?