Blaze & Daze


A bong coozie
... I'm currently assembling this quilt top ...
Ooh ... you and Mrs. S. would get along famously. Quilting is all she does. For Xmas this past year, she gave me a quilt she made out of all of my old retired baseball jerseys.

Quilting - or sewing random shit on her Featherweight. Shiny small black machine that looks to be about 1/2 the size of my laptop. Easy to cart around - and she can do everything she needs to on it. She loves that little rig! back from the store. Going through self checkout, the idiot handing out coupons decided I needed help and jumped into my space and messed with my touch screen. I could smell his tobacco breath. I'm afraid I used my outdoor voice but seriously I don't need some tweaker anywhere near me. I use the self checkout for a reason!