Blaze & Daze

That's the pickled sour herring, right? I always get it confused with gefilte fish. Both are good. One is a bit stinkier. Mmm
No, lutefisk is dried cod reconstituted in a lye solution which makes it jello-y. Usually served drowned in butter with mashed potatoes and Swedish meatballs. Coffee from a big urn in the church basement is the obligatory beverage. I tried it once, almost 30 years ago. I can still remember every hideous detail. Actually not that bad, but I am not of these people and feel no need to ever repeat the experience.
No, lutefisk is dried cod reconstituted in a lye solution which makes it jello-y. Usually served drowned in butter with mashed potatoes and Swedish meatballs. Coffee from a big urn in the church basement is the obligatory beverage. I tried it once, almost 30 years ago. I can still remember every hideous detail. Actually not that bad, but I am not of these people and feel no need to ever repeat the experience.
I think I was thinking of surstromming! I'd try it. I like head cheese, and natto. Gimme the funk!
Garrison wrote this State Fair Sonnet:
I've been to this State Fair about every year
Since I was a kid and watched the walleyes
In the tank, bought a Veg-a-Matic, felt the sheer
drop of the ferris wheel, ate the deep fries,
the corndogs, rode the Sky-Ride, the Olde Mill,
the boats in a dark tunnel in the cold water
and it's so much the same that time stands still,
especially when I come here with my daughter.,
When I walk the Midway with her again
And smell the sawdust and French fries, I remember
How right, how delicious it was to be ten
And smell the crisp damp air of September.
Hold my hand, darling. Your old man is terrified,
Standing here at the top of the enormous Giant Slide.
Lutefisk on a stick
Thank you Google...

and maybe you'd like to try this...


and while we are at it Google, conjure me up an image of this....

looks like pizza....Yum!!
and while we are at it Google, conjure me up an image of this....

looks like pizza....Yum!!
It's like if pizza were a layered pie, or potatoes au gratin. but there's this creamy cheese sauce, and lots of onions.