I can't decide if I want to do anything, or just sit on my butt all day, lol
I'm good at butt sitting.I can't decide if I want to do anything, or just sit on my butt all day, lol
Do a wheelie!!!
But I gotta at least go to the store. I didn't get anything to make myself... Maybe a tiny caramel crumb cake. OmnomnomDon't, it's a trap. It looks all sunny and beautiful here. But my sources on interplanetary geological phenomenons tell me it's going to start dropping water from the sky with bolts of energy and some invisible force is going to push me around.
That's why I put an elliptical in front of the tv in my room, lolMy butt is still firmly planted....YouTube is addictive like crack.
That's why I put an elliptical in front of the tv in my room, lol
Whatcha watchin?
Just wants to reminisce, ask you about your mother's maiden name, your first school, and favorite color...Oh here's an interesting scary thing. Someone is trying to hack my Microsoft acct. I have gotten 5-6 notices in the past week of someone requesting a code.....3 last night while I was sleeping! I checked and they haven't gotten in yet, but WTF!! I have an idea who it might be too. Just a sneaking suspicion. An old friend of mines kid, who I have only met once or twice in my life and have not seen in 25 years, has been calling me. He left a message , and has called back. I have not picked up, but just a gut feeling tells me something is up.
Most of those are fishing emails trying to get your logon info. Look at the email address they are coming from...Cruise ship reviews mainly...living vicariously through others, while planning my next adventure.
But I watch all kinds of stuff. I use to only watch YouTube when I needed to repair something and needed info, but now it is entertainment.
Well I managed to shave and shower, and the sun is shining....Going for a walk shortly....The kitchen can wait!
Oh here's an interesting scary thing. Someone is trying to hack my Microsoft acct. I have gotten 5-6 notices in the past week of someone requesting a code.....3 last night while I was sleeping! I checked and they haven't gotten in yet, but WTF!!
Most of those are fishing emails trying to get your logon info. Look at the email address they are coming from...
No these are actual notifications from Microsoft where someone requested a code....Like if you forget your password they will send you a code, either by email or text so you can recover your account.
Oh I had an interesting walk at the park. I grabbed a sub sandwich, and ate it on the way there...Pulled along the road, and parked and just as i took the last bite, a HUGE dog jumps on my car and sticks his head in, inches from my face. Had to be 150 lbs. ....He smelled that sandwich and wanted some. He was on a leash, it just happened quick. Scratched my car but just superficial light scratches that will buff out, so I wasn't an ass about it.
Then 2 minutes later I see this other guy with a cat in a tree...and the cat didn't want to come down.
71f here today. First warm day of the year!
Doesn't everyone take their cat to the park for a climb???
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