Blaze & Daze

Weather sux, windy and rainy. Cleaning up before my pianist buddy arrives. Gonna drink whiskey, smoke weed, play chamber music, and have great conversation. It is the way to spend a Saturday night. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
That sounds like fun. Working 3 12’s is fkn exhausting and with no lunch break . exhausting, one hour to go . Been sleep deprived for 2 days. Sunday has become my recover day. What kind of whiskey? I should stat drinking whiskey.
Wet sanding fills the voids and ends up smoother, don't have to do as much skim coating.

Depends on which mud I'm using, Quick Set doesn't wet sand as nicely and tends to chunk up. With just regular lightweight mud I'll come in after about 4-5 hours and ligthly wet sand it with a sanding sponge around 240grit to smooth it out. Gets it smoothed out.

Yesterday's mudding was the first coat, filling holes, cracks and whatnot before putting up tape today, so quick set for a rock hard bond. I use lightweight mud for the last 2 coats over the tape.

I haven't had a reason to skim coat yet, I just get it flat enough to prime and texture and prime again for paint. Going to Level5 smooth and then texturing seems redundant to me; I know some do it for perfection but I don't want to buy that much mud.
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