Blaze & Daze

My uncle decided to grow some pot way out in the country on his parents property.
My granddad is the consummate farmer, his garden was so big he was selling fruits and vegetables to the local fruit stand.
Any way he noticed my uncles plants are looking poorly. He says son I think your plants need some water and fertilizer.
Long story short he ended up taking care of the plants himself cause he couldn't stand to see the plants suffering. Ended up growing some hellacious 15 foot pot plants. Meanwhile my grandmother is freaking out. she says son I think there was a helicopter flying over you better chop them down before the law comes.

When I was a teenager (back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth) my buddy in Tuscon planted some seeds behind his parent's garage. At some point in the Summer his mom found them...and she started watering them.

Come harvest time, my buddy went out to do the deed and his dad came out and said "Make sure you leave half of that for your mom and I". LOL.
When I was a teenager (back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth) my buddy in Tuscon planted some seeds behind his parent's garage. At some point in the Summer his mom found them...and she started watering them.

Come harvest time, my buddy went out to do the deed and his dad came out and said "Make sure you leave half of that for your mom and I". LOL.
Did you(he)( and yes this is an edit) at least try to barter with him half man that's that's a lot lol
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Did you(he)( and yes this is an edit) at least try to barter with him half man that's that's a lot lol

Wasn't me. My parents were not cool at all with our use/etc. compared to my buddy's parents. My dad once found 4 bundles of Thai Sticks under my brothers bed and shit hit the fan hard. He tossed them in the trash can and then pushed it out to the curb cus the garbageman was coming that day.

My buddy and I ditched first hour and played garbageman ourselves...saving the day...but the unexcused absence got me a 3 day suspension.

A suspension and a "grounding"...all with 4 bundles of Thai Sticks in hand. Nyuk...nyuk.
Way back when we had land lines and rotary phones I answered the phone on my mothers dresser. It was my friend Eric saying hey I left my pot in your living room could you check if it's still there? Well right next to the phone on my mom's dresser was that bag of pot. I took it and replaced it with a bag of parsley, never heard a word about it from my parents.
I left about 3/4 oz of Columbian in my jacket pocket and left it in my friends car. He helped me out by bringing my jacket to my dad later when I wasn't there, if he would have found it I'm sure he would have smoked it himself. Of course dad had to see what was causing the big bulge in my pocket, busted. Dad for whatever reason thought he should take it to the cops and turn it in. :shock: Luckily I had taken 1/4 of it and stashed it to make my money back by selling prerolls at school. I replaced it the next week.
I left about 3/4 oz of Columbian in my jacket pocket and left it in my friends car. He helped me out by bringing my jacket to my dad later when I wasn't there, if he would have found it I'm sure he would have smoked it himself. Of course dad had to see what was causing the big bulge in my pocket, busted. Dad for whatever reason thought he should take it to the cops and turn it in. :shock: Luckily I had taken 1/4 of it and stashed it to make my money back by selling prerolls at school. I replaced it the next week.

We had a cop who lived acrosss the street from us when I was a teen. My parents found my weed for the umpteenth time and they called him to come over "for a talk". Unbeknownst to me he was actually on the Drug Task Force at work. He took me over to his house and down into his basement and walked me over to one of those old time "secretary" type pieces of furniture that had drawers/etc on one side and shelves behind a glass door on the other. Inside was a collection of various street drugs he'd confiscated. Acid...speed...junk...crystal...reds/tuis/etc/etc/etc.

He looked at me and said "Listen to my words"... then pointed at the cabinet. "EVERY ONE OF THESE is bad shit. I brought you over here to tell you out of earshot of your parents that IF you are only smoking weed...keep doing that. Smoke as much as it takes to not take these.

Then he walked me home and told my dad he "taught me a lesson I should never forget"...looking right through me as he did.
We had a cop who lived acrosss the street from us when I was a teen. My parents found my weed for the umpteenth time and they called him to come over "for a talk". Unbeknownst to me he was actually on the Drug Task Force at work. He took me over to his house and down into his basement and walked me over to one of those old time "secretary" type pieces of furniture that had drawers/etc on one side and shelves behind a glass door on the other. Inside was a collection of various street drugs he'd confiscated. Acid...speed...junk...crystal...reds/tuis/etc/etc/etc.

He looked at me and said "Listen to my words"... then pointed at the cabinet. "EVERY ONE OF THESE is bad shit. I brought you over here to tell you out of earshot of your parents that IF you are only smoking weed...keep doing that. Smoke as much as it takes to not take these.

Then he walked me home and told my dad he "taught me a lesson I should never forget"...looking right through me as he did.
That cop sounds like an OG. :blsmoke: