Blaze & Daze

Happy Sunday y’all.

So Miz Chiz and the boys are headed to Montreal for the week. Her sister and family are coming in from Boston, so they meet at my In Laws as the mid point. After a month of travelling in July, I’m sitting this one out. Boomer and I get to chill and Lawrd knows I have a shit ton on the Honey-Do list, but gonna start with coffee, a J and a morning walk.

Batchin’ it up all week….

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Hows it going Fam! I hope you all had a great weekend.
My ankle has fully recovered and tomorrow im hitting the weights before breakfast .

I checked on the ladies and they are getting ready to flower... Finally! Long days in the PNW.



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On Saturday evening, a few minutes before we arrived at the PTBO Music Fest stage, Mother Nature decided to blow through and knock out the power. The PTBO stage went dark and history has shown that guitars and amps work better with electricity. Bit of a downer cause we really wanted to see David Wilcox do his thing.


So while we waited for power restoration, a gentlemen taking his little grey companion to the show stopped right beside me. His little grey pal - My Little Buddy (MLB for short) looked at me for a second. Then the little fellow quickly cozied up and got real close:


So natch, I had to give a little ear scratch to MLB cause I can't help myself - you know - dog in the area. And not long after I stopped that first scratch, someone started feeling very comfortable around me. Within a couple of minutes, he was standing up with his paws on my legs and those little ear scratches turned to full on belly rubs:


After a few more ear scratches and belly rubs, MLB decided that being up on my lap would work even better cause now, I could scratch him everywhere:


So for a little over 1 hour while we waited for power to come back on, MLB stayed right there getting petted and scratched from stem to stern. Hydro One never did get the power restored - but my evening wasn't a total loss.



Man it's humid again. 70°

How's everyone doing? Happy Monday?