Blaze & Daze

The battery on my golf cart decided not to make it through 18 holes yesterday. 4 years was a good run but pushing that beast up the 18th fairway (steep) nearly broke me. I can see the attraction of a bag full of plastic discs in that moment but I got home and ordered a new battery. Omega Man problems.
The battery on my disc golf bag has not failed me once!!!
The battery on my disc golf bag has not failed me once!!!

Side note: just got notification that my new bag shipped. Well, label was created but hopefully it is going out today. May just see it by the weekend!! I also snagged this lil guy for $5ish last night. Lol. Kinda wanna wipe the ink off, but it makes me chuckle so it'll stay for now.
I can see how the tech could be adapted to sense discs instead of balls but making course maps is the hard part. And you'd probably need an actual putting cage thing whatever those are called. It would need more room than a golf simulator.
They already have the Techdisc and GameProofer which are chips that measure all parts of the flight so we are halfway there. As far as the basket, that shouldn't take up anymore room than putting green.