Blaze & Daze

creamy whip #2 - vanilla soft serve with snickers and krunch coat mixed in
sneaking up on the evening activities; snacking and/or finding a comfy place to sleep for the night. Same girls, same.
IMG_1852.jpegSome of the week’s labors. Comfrey is already huge and flowered so I chopped and dropped on the potatoes.
Garlic scapes are already out which is insane to me. Like I actually might be harvesting it by early June. Guess that means I can turn that bed over by mid-summer…just in time for the weed? I have 15 gallon bags prepped and ready to go, but putting a couple in the ground sounds much easier.
Hope everyone is good. Today started good, then I got the Sads and cried a bit. Then I smoked a bowl and it helped me relax a bit. But it also was the reason I went to get ice cream :lol:
I bought 2 of these electric arc lighters since they were only $5 each -


amazon link

I like the brand name (Fuck you, duh). Screams quality.

Ah....May. I can feel you coming on. Spring...and all of the good/bad anniversaries you bring with...

Hopin to see what the Clone Gods have bestowed upon me today. Watching the fabled "Working through the system" messages from the USPS tracking site. At least they are moving...but living in Podunk...the >>fast<< sends just ain't so fast. I have to watch the tracking and bolt to the PO when it says "Delivered"...if they are OPEN. We are so rural our PO employees are split between two PO's. One about 10 miles to the East. Ours is open 7-11 M-F. 7-10 Saturday. There's often someone there banging around behind the counter even if they are today I'll be banging on the door if it doesn't show before they close. 2 days is about all I want em to suffer in bondage...

The seeds are binned. Not a single tail from 8 seeds after 6 days. Some were mushing up. I just said Fuck it. Time to adjust approaches yet again.

Warm. 70F+ and sunny. Typical shit...they say it will rain and then by the time that day rolls around it's changed to "sunny". I ended up fertilizing everything yesterday so today is gonna be a dig day. Gonna try to get some more irrigation pipe in the ground and some water flowin'.

I hope yer day goes as planned. (yeah, right)
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I wrote HSC (again) about the poor germ rates. Figured they should know...if they don't already.

I mean...c'mon. I popped 2-11 packs of Hella...a 11 pack of Stoopid...and another 6 pack of Stoopid...and got a whopping 4 plants (and a runt still >trying<) in total. The THSeeds Melonsicle both did all of the seeds I bought from the Canuck. It's not me....though this shit makes ya have that doubt. Know what I'm sayin'? I hate that feeling.

We were talking about clones/prices of clones... but in all reality...they are cheap when you compare em to seeds that don't pop. I spent $310 total (and they gave me a replacement pack) and got 4 plants to show for it. IF I was still slinging pounds I could make the Math work...but that's not the case. It's all money out these days...and I'm on a fixed income (LOL...shamelessly goin' for sympathy). Cave People.

So c'mon clones...please treat me right... all I want is some tasty treats for me and the Mrs....
I wrote HSC (again) about the poor germ rates. Figured they should know...if they don't already.

I mean...c'mon. I popped 2-11 packs of Hella...a 11 pack of Stoopid...and another 6 pack of Stoopid...and got a whopping 4 plants (and a runt still >trying<) in total. The THSeeds Melonsicle both did all of the seeds I bought from the Canuck. It's not me....though this shit makes ya have that doubt. Know what I'm sayin'? I hate that feeling.

We were talking about clones/prices of clones... but in all reality...they are cheap when you compare em to seeds that don't pop. I spent $310 total (and they gave me a replacement pack) and got 4 plants to show for it. IF I was still slinging pounds I could make the Math work...but that's not the case. It's all money out these days...and I'm on a fixed income (LOL...shamelessly goin' for sympathy). Cave People.

So c'mon clones...please treat me right... all I want is some tasty treats for me and the Mrs....
When are your clones coming?