Blaze & Daze

I've only had Samsung phones for the last 12 years. In 2 phones, haha. Sorry yours did you dirty :[
The phones are great. Their appliances leave a lot to be desired when it comes to the customer service department. I have known way too many people that have paid top dollar for Samsung appliances and within 12 to 18 months they are trash. And Samsung is absolutely worthless when it comes to getting any service done on them
It's sad to see the world's resources wasted on crappy built products across the board. My buddy is a (Boomer caveman) appliance repairman...close to callling it a day for good...but hanging on because he's so busy due to the shoddily built appliances out there these days and the lack of anyone truly wanting to make bank working a 40-50 hour (or more) a week job. (another thread...LOL) He worked on our microwave 2X under warranty and when it went out again 2 weeks after the warranty...he bought a new "board" of some sort and fixed it anyway. It's worked well ever since. He says >everything< is crap and it's all basically made in the same factories/towns/etc. They are all anyone who thinks "this brand is the best" has no clue WTF they are talking about. He said he works on em all...

Wife has a cell but I ditched mine 8 years ago. The cell signal goes over us because we are in a small creek she has to have an iphone and use wi-fi for text/etc. while here at the house. Ah...rural life. The amenities are as scarce as people are. Most folks would go insane. We are already there so it works well.
I know went back to landscape last week and most of everything buding or popping up like day lilies, peonies,garlic, thankfully no apples or pears they would not produce this year if did.

I did landscaping/irrigation for years here in Summer. Golf course stuff first...then started a small home irrigation biz. It's all come in handy here as I have 3 different systems running dirty water. Always some kinda fun going on.

I'm hoping the fruit trees we planted 8 years ago will eventually produce fruit and not be a "legacy" orchard. The cherry trees we have are sour cherry trees....bred in Winnepeg so they do well here and are the only trees that give us a bounty...(depending on the year). Our apple trees...I believe...struggle to produce due to the high pH. I just hit everyone with some sulphur and have been on a program yearly for a few years to try to lower the pH. Looking to add in 2 peach trees this year where an apple and a different cherry decided to crap out. If we don't see some blooms/fruit this year I'm going to have some soil testing done past what I can do here with my pens/kit. It's hard to fight Mom Nature...
The strawberry originally came from nirvana. I've chucked it back and forth a bit. The BBK is a buddies chuck....don't know where it came from though. And the other Blueberry Hash Plant is from a friend here. All awesome smoke. But lol at only about a month old, they're stinky little shits :lol:
I know no kidding I had one on my window sill literally two weeks old and I could smell it soon as I came in kitchen. I could see a clone but from seed was surprised,was just thinking about that last night.
I did landscaping/irrigation for years here in Summer. Golf course stuff first...then started a small home irrigation biz. It's all come in handy here as I have 3 different systems running dirty water. Always some kinda fun going on.

I'm hoping the fruit trees we planted 8 years ago will eventually produce fruit and not be a "legacy" orchard. The cherry trees we have are sour cherry trees....bred in Winnepeg so they do well here and are the only trees that give us a bounty...(depending on the year). Our apple trees...I believe...struggle to produce due to the high pH. I just hit everyone with some sulphur and have been on a program yearly for a few years to try to lower the pH. Looking to add in 2 peach trees this year where an apple and a different cherry decided to crap out. If we don't see some blooms/fruit this year I'm going to have some soil testing done past what I can do here with my pens/kit. It's hard to fight Mom Nature...
Usually after five years they produce apples, peaches might be tough also. Also spraying buds with fungicide and oils after blooms and pruning in spring and end of winter tough where you live.
Usually after five years they produce apples, peaches might be tough also. Also spraying buds with fungicide and oils after blooms and pruning in spring and end of winter tough where you live.

Such different climates, for sure. We have high pH challenges but our fungus/insect fun is nil so far. Ditto on weed outside. I've seen aphids once and I'm sure I brought em outside from inside.... and bud rot a few times...but for the most's a good gig. Hail is my biggest threat. It's dry here...and getting drier. I don't have to worry about when I water lawns/trees/etc. regarding molds/fungus/etc. I just >have to< water. As I said I'm currently working on improving pH...and am also applying organic ferts. I bought a soil testing kit and a soil pH pen a few years ago and the pH was 8.2 and the ppms were 0. Sand/rock are kinda like that...LOL.

The season is short....that's a lot of it as well. We fight it on everything we do. We won't see blooms on the cherry trees til mid May (or any other trees/etc)...and we can easily freeze up to and sometimes into June and see it again anytime in Septmber. It's definitely a timing thing here bigly. There are older apple trees//peach trees//apricot trees here that I know it will happen eventually. It's making it happen that's tricky.

Live and learn....