Blaze & Daze

Our nutsack.

She was listed as a "Golden/Aussie mix". We believed it. Our Vet said otherwise. Did a DNA test...nope. Vet was right. NO Golden at all!
50% German Shepherd...48% Pyrenees...2% Komondor. Oh my. We stepped right in it.

Super good girl...18 months now...kinda/sorta starting to grow out of the puppy shit like jumping up and mouthing...

bit I've never had a dog so focused on me/us. She has separation anxiety...possibly from being dumped in the woods last Winter (if that's a true story). It's the worst of both worlds...can't be left/won't let you out of her sight...but if you let her off leash and she sees a car/people on the lightning...she's recall at all. She does come back...but I've seen her run 1/2 mile before I can even get up to the road....As a result...she's either on leash or tethered or in the house. I never go anywhere anyway...but when we do...we have to split up/etc. We're trying to retrain here...but that shit is muy hard to approach/adjust...especially when you don;t know what happened to her/what her real triggers are/etc.

Prolly not gonna get any she is our toddler..@ 65. Now I just gotta outlive her.... yikes. Sure didn't think about that kinda stuff when we got the last one 14 years ago. Ouch.
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good morning! today is quite cool but sunny so i'll be out in the garden, filling up the 2'x12'x2' bed that i finished on sunday. hoping to drag some logs out of the forest to get a good start on it, as i did the math on how much it would take to fill it all with soil...and i want to build 8 more...and frankly i want to be able to still buy groceries and pay the electric bill this year :lol:
yesterday i took a rigid heddle weaving class. made myself a simple scarf, and now i want to buy a loom. anyone else get waaaay too into new hobbies?
...maybe i'm asking the wrong crowd here. LOL
good morning! today is quite cool but sunny so i'll be out in the garden, filling up the 2'x12'x2' bed that i finished on sunday. hoping to drag some logs out of the forest to get a good start on it, as i did the math on how much it would take to fill it all with soil...and i want to build 8 more...and frankly i want to be able to still buy groceries and pay the electric bill this year :lol:
yesterday i took a rigid heddle weaving class. made myself a simple scarf, and now i want to buy a loom. anyone else get waaaay too into new hobbies?
...maybe i'm asking the wrong crowd here. LOL
View attachment 5369948

is definitely a resource on this topic!

And cardboard is your friend in raised beds. I raided the recycling bins at the supermarket. That and brush filled my beds nicely.
good morning! today is quite cool but sunny so i'll be out in the garden, filling up the 2'x12'x2' bed that i finished on sunday. hoping to drag some logs out of the forest to get a good start on it, as i did the math on how much it would take to fill it all with soil...and i want to build 8 more...and frankly i want to be able to still buy groceries and pay the electric bill this year :lol:
yesterday i took a rigid heddle weaving class. made myself a simple scarf, and now i want to buy a loom. anyone else get waaaay too into new hobbies?
...maybe i'm asking the wrong crowd here. LOL
View attachment 5369948

@curious2garden has a loom or two. You're in good company.

lol @shnkrmn beat me to it.
good morning! today is quite cool but sunny so i'll be out in the garden, filling up the 2'x12'x2' bed that i finished on sunday. hoping to drag some logs out of the forest to get a good start on it, as i did the math on how much it would take to fill it all with soil...and i want to build 8 more...and frankly i want to be able to still buy groceries and pay the electric bill this year :lol:
yesterday i took a rigid heddle weaving class. made myself a simple scarf, and now i want to buy a loom. anyone else get waaaay too into new hobbies?
...maybe i'm asking the wrong crowd here. LOL

I love hobbies. I just don't know what to do with the crap I create once I make it. Spent a few years doing pottery and drove the family nuts/tried the craft fair/etc. Ended up giving it all away and sold the press/kiln/tools. Last Winter I made log benches out of some stair treads I've been carting around since we built our log home in '95-98. Stuck with most of those now as well. LOL. I wanna try painting...but damn... I'm running out of room...
177558_113485502126976_1996607762_o.jpgDSC_3920.JPG whatever that term is. We don't do that one...but we do shred our cardboard and put it in the compostumbler and make compost/dirt out of it ever since they closed the recycling center here :wall:>:(:mad: Takes a bit of time to cook up a batch but I have a nice pile building up from the last 2 years or so. As an experiment I grew a bunch of veggies/peppers/etc last Summer in 1/2 cardboard compost/1/2 Roots 707. Worked AOK.
Yes we are working on mouthing and jumping. I am reading all I can about training her and attending local pet shop training sessions. In just a few weeks, she has made great progress.
body blocking/checking can be really effective with jumping. i had a shepherd mix years ago and she was a really easy dog to train; she understood and didn't have interest in challenging me. now we have a bully mix and he is just that - a bully. LOL he constantly challenges us, and the body blocking actually made his jumping worse so the trainer recommended a squirt bottle and that works wonders with him.
In theory, yes. Belle accepts it as a challenge. Lol. At least with new people.

Shanti (on leash) alerts/barks at you when you arrive...but her tail is wagging the entire time. Once you meet...she loves on you (and I try to correct/keep her from jumping on you)...and then it's over. We're very rural and don't have much traffic/many visitors so all of her bad habits are hard things to train out.
Yes she is great with socialization. She loves everybody and shows it by ears back, tail wagging and jumping. We are working on it and sometimes I can see she corrects herself but excitement is a strong distractor.

We go to training sessions at local pet shop and there is a 15 week old frenchie a quarter of her size. She adores him and is very gentle when playing with him.
Shanti (on leash) alerts/barks at you when you arrive...but her tail is wagging the entire time. Once you meet...she loves on you (and I try to correct/keep her from jumping on you)...and then it's over. We're very rural and don't have much traffic/many visitors so all of her bad habits are hard things to train out.
That's all pretty similar for Belle. The joys of a stubborn ass hound dog (and pretty lazy pet owners)
Standing...our Shanti is 26 inches tall and 48 inches long. Haven't weighed her but I'm guessing 80+. More shep than Pyr there, thankfully.
here's our pyr/shep mix, Ginger. Bruce is next to her. they're both gone now. ruby, the black one, is still here. she's 14 this year, Sugar Face is what i call her on account of her white hairs. Ginger was a rescue, straight from the shelter. she had been dropped off as a very small puppy, lived there for over a year until we brought her home. never had much obedience training as she was just generally a good girl. RIP to her and bubba bruce