Blaze & Daze

Mornin' all. Send some of that moisture this way, please. I'm seeing too much yard and there's a lake forming out there from the melting snow on top of the frozen ground. Creek is waking up far too early... I love the sound but it's not April yet....

i would love any recipes/formulas you're willing to share! i've made salves in the past, lots of tinctures, and now i'm getting into infusions. i grow marshmallow, comfrey, calendula, bee balm, and other goodies that i'd love to co-mingle with cbd and thc.

I purchased the herbs I use on Etsy. I settled on what to use by making a few batches and seeing how things came out. Some herbs impart far too much green color into the mix. It's not a huge deal but it does make the salve less attractive, IMO. I like that yellow/butter color in my salves.

I started with coconut "oil" as the carrier but IMO, it's too greasy. I've since migrated to safflower, grapeseed, flax, macademia, etc. These oils are less heavy and are slightly less greasy on the skin/tend to absorb better than coconut oil. I basically take my herbs...put them in a big, clean/empty Adams peanut butter jar and cover them/submerse them in the oil. I then put that in the cabinet where my coffee fixing are...and every AM for 2-3 months it gets a shake. I then strain the oil via one of these

This "recipe" makes approx 12 - 2 ounce tins. 1 cup of >>>infused<< oil...1 cup of mango butter....1 cup beeswax petioles. The amount of beeswax you use determines the consistency of the salve. I've gone lighter...I've gone heavier. It will all work. I like it a bit stiffer myself (like the ladies do...LOL) because it's going to melt when it hits your skin...but if you are making it for massaging large areas/etc..a softer mix may work better. I've also just infused almond oil for massage type mix for a lady I knew (RIP Marka) who had cancer.

Melt it all down...and add your chosen dose of CBD. I put my essential oils right in the tin...then pour the basic mix in on top of them because I make a variety of scents for various folks according to what they like. Sandalwood and Lavender seem to be the most popular...but I also make a warming salve with peppermint, eucalyptus, clove bud, cinnamon, camphor. The possibilities are endless. I have about 30 essential oils here I play with.

I buy my CBD here. I would urge all of you to take a peek here even if you don;t have interest in making salve. It's amazing how they are breaking it all down in the lab....

Check those CBD prices. 100 grams/100,000mg for $80. 80 cents PER GRAM/1000mg. Cheaper if you buy more. I buy the 500mg 1/2 kilo can. $300.
Makes roughly 6 batches...120+ tins. Takes me a year+ to work through a can. I've also splurged an added in a "Full spectrum" package to grab the "minors" but it drives the cost up a bit when that product is 3X as expensive as the CBD by itself. I've also made rosing and decarb'd it.put that in the mix. Yes...Mad Scientist stuff... it's all fun here.

Source the tins on Amazon. Print the labels at home. Tell folks I made some...they Paypal me $40 and I send em a tin. Everybody happy. A tin like this/this strong in the stores...IF you can find one (4000-5000mg PER OUNCE) would sell for $125 or more from what I'm seeing. The strongest formulation I've seen for retail sale is 3000 mg per ounce. Most are 300-500mg per ounce. A TOTAL RIP OFF.

you use such a small amount to rub theory is that you can't use too much....and it takes lot to have ANY in that small lump yer gonna spread out. Why skimp when the stuff is dirt cheap? Heehee...but I'm a "you say eat one...i'm gonna eat three" kind of guy... (worked great with acid..not so good with ludes)

Hope that gives you an idea where to start... and maybe helps someone who buys CBD elsewhere. This is the cheapest I've seen anywhere and they are good folks to deal with. You get your own "rep"....heehee. Even with small orders like I make....they've always taken care of me.
Inspectors coming today for the electrical final. Only thing on my agenda. Trying to decide what I'll try to actually get done today. I have plants that need to go into flower but can't chop the last plant because of people wandering about. I have to finish some grow room design tweaks and up pot. I may sew instead and I have a big chunk of chuck I could make more stew from but my mind has been running to birria. Ah well another tough day, good morning everyone.
i need to find a birria recipe. no places around here to get a good dish...