Blaze & Daze

i used a squeeze bottle, cut the tip back a bit so it was slightly larger. cooked and stirred the mix until it was quite thick, like pancake batter almost. then immediately into the bottle, and poured 85 gummies in less than 5 minutes so it was still very warm and flowed quite well. also, i've made candy/chocolates before so this ain't my first rodeo :lol: keep the bottle tipped, and just tip it *more* when you're over a cavity. i honestly didn't have to squeeze the bottle much; the viscosity was really nice.
I use Wilton disposable decorating bags because no cleaning and you can squeeze out every ml
i used a squeeze bottle, cut the tip back a bit so it was slightly larger. cooked and stirred the mix until it was quite thick, like pancake batter almost. then immediately into the bottle, and poured 85 gummies in less than 5 minutes so it was still very warm and flowed quite well. also, i've made candy/chocolates before so this ain't my first rodeo :lol: keep the bottle tipped, and just tip it *more* when you're over a cavity. i honestly didn't have to squeeze the bottle much; the viscosity was really nice.

I use Wilton disposable decorating bags because no cleaning and you can squeeze out every ml

Not sure I will make gummies again in the future because they are so cheap and convenient for what I like at the dispo in Michigan, but these are excellent tips if I or anybody else decides to make em in the future. Thank you!!
Sorry I didn't say "Good morning" earlier folks. I hope it's playing out that way for ya.

Those gummies do look very professional @wakeNbaker46 . I'm one of the unfortunates who gets no effects from edibles...but just for strong do you make them?
i don't eat them, actually. i much prefer a 1-3 hour stoner sesh vs all day long.
i made these with a 10% thc homegrown, so if my decarb/infusion was any good, i've calculated that these are ~6gm per gummy. i coated them in a bit of sugar/citric acid mix this morning so they're more like sour patch kids. i was a bit "eh" on them since they're pretty least for the folks that i'll give them to...BUT then i was remembering this: who actually enjoys eating just ONE gummy? i mean, i can inhale a whole bag of sour patch kids during one movie sooooo maybe the 6gm is ok? haha! my buddies are getting some next weekend to test out so i'll report back.
i don't eat them, actually. i much prefer a 1-3 hour stoner sesh vs all day long.
i made these with a 10% thc homegrown, so if my decarb/infusion was any good, i've calculated that these are ~6gm per gummy. i coated them in a bit of sugar/citric acid mix this morning so they're more like sour patch kids. i was a bit "eh" on them since they're pretty least for the folks that i'll give them to...BUT then i was remembering this: who actually enjoys eating just ONE gummy? i mean, i can inhale a whole bag of sour patch kids during one movie sooooo maybe the 6gm is ok? haha! my buddies are getting some next weekend to test out so i'll report back.
What kind of oil do you use for em? Or if you don't mind sharing, your recipe?
i don't eat them, actually. i much prefer a 1-3 hour stoner sesh vs all day long.

Right there with ya bongsmilie I could actually be lucky I can't get an effect or I'd be eating too many choc chip cookies/etc. ;) I love the taste/how it mixes with a good chocolate. I couldn't do the fruit gummies though. I think I kinda ruined myself on the fake fruit tastes as a kid by chewing too much grape/apple bubblegum....much like I screwed the pooch on "wine" by drinking Strawberry Hill/Boones Farm/Annie Green Springs/other puke yer guts out fare they called "wine" as a teenager. Ooops. Funny how dat stuff works...for life.
this is the same recipe here: gummy recipe
i followed it pretty closely, but made notes to help myself since my local kroger didn't have starburst jello and i didn't have lecithin. here's my final recipe...
4 oz flavored jello (i used raspberry; note that no jello comes in this exact measurement so get your scale out)
1 oz unflavored gelatin
1/2 c water, cold
1/2 c infused oil (i used MCT)
1 teaspoon citric acid
1/4 teaspoon potassium sorbate (works to inhibit mold so don't skip if you want a good shelf life)
1 Tablespoon corn syrup
2 teaspoons ground mustard (you cannot taste it whatsoever, but you need it to bind the oil to the water; alternative is using soy lecithin but i have mustard here and didn't want to buy anything else)
3 drops candy flavoring (i used tutti-fruitti from lorann)
1. add 1/2 c water and 1 oz gelatin to a bowl and stir; set this aside
2. whisk oil and mustard in a saucepan until completely combined
3. turn heat on low and add the gelatin blob to the oil; stir until completely dissolved/melted
4. add jello and stir...stir...stir...i set a timer and this was no less than 5:42 of stirring to get it all combined. oil/water thing from high school science...this is where the mustard/lecithin is KEY to the recipe
5. add potassium sorbate (stir); add citric acid (stir); add corn syrup (stir); add flavoring (stir)
6. stir
7. stir
i let this "cook" a bit on the lowest heat setting until it was thick, glossy, and there were no specks of anything in the mix. smoooooth.
using a funnel i immediately poured this into the squeeze bottle and then right into the molds. take your time; keep the bottle in a horizontal position between cavities and then slowly let it out. this helps with not allowing any air to work its way into the bottle with a lot of tipping up and tipping down.
i unmolded them after an hour, let them sit out overnight not touching each other - they're still quite sticky in the beginning.
after 18 hours, i made a mix of 1/4c sugar and 1 t citric acid and coated them in there - do this if you want a sour gummy; skip this if not.
Right there with ya bongsmilie I could actually be lucky I can't get an effect or I'd be eating too many choc chip cookies/etc. ;) I love the taste/how it mixes with a good chocolate. I couldn't do the fruit gummies though. I think I kinda ruined myself on the fake fruit tastes as a kid by chewing too much grape/apple bubblegum....much like I screwed the pooch on "wine" by drinking Strawberry Hill/Boones Farm/Annie Green Springs/other puke yer guts out fare they called "wine" as a teenager. Ooops. Funny how dat stuff works...for life.
MD 20/20 grape :spew::spew::spew::spew::spew: