Blaze & Daze

Everything is looking muy good here. Makes me wonder WTF I'm gonna do with all of this weed...on top of all of the weed I am already sitting on.

I guess there could be worse problems...but it does make me kinda shake my head :rolleyes:. Ahhhhhhh.......legality.

Being asked by your partner if you're going to pause since we have so much weed.

No partners here! Not for 30 years or so anyway. The guy who moved all of my shit for 25 years quit smoking weed 5 years ago. Shit happens. Things change.

OK...other than my love to grow. Such is why there's a small chest freezer 3/4 full of frozen bud for hash and 30 or so 1.5 pint Mason jars full of buds....LOL.

Fortunately, Colorado allows folks to legally possess any/all they grow and it's legal as long as it doesn't leave yer property.

LOL...and that's the problem!
I don't know anyone here who grows anymore...but me. Most of the guys I knew in the day have folded up for this reason or that. Mostly economics/being tired of asking/sitting on weight.

Did the "value added" product gig in the 90's and bought real estate/vacant land/etc. and built a log home without ever taking out a loan.
If you are rockin' you bes' be saving. It isn't gonna last. I don't even have a clue what values are here right now other than they are nowhere near what we saw in the 90's...other than in the shops...LOL. Fools....

But I do sleep better....LOL.
Got an estimate on my fence yesterday and have two more people coming out today. I contacted my insurance company however I think I'll withdraw the claim because it's not going to cost as much as I thought. I talked to my neighbor and she is going to split the cost with me for the work on the part between our yards. That part is called a "Good neighbor" fence in Cali and costs are supposed to be shared. I think the panels can be reattached to new posts when they are installed. My son has been a lot of help.
Woke up to a dog face at 5:30, I think she is stressed because she doesn't have half her yard to play in. She is getting more sensitive to things as she gets older. She was glued to my leg when the wind was howling and the power went out. Our smoke detector is hard wired and chirps when the power goes out, she's not a fan of that noise.