Blaze & Daze

... I'm thinking we eat at different places lol, do your restaurants have dodgy health permits and newspaper on old formica tables. I love local hole in the wall places ...
When I was a young-un, I wouldn't even look at those "hole in the wall" places. That was until my first visit to Lima in 1989 for adopting our daughter.

A local eatery - El Estribo in the district of Miraflores - was recommended by our lawyer. When I stood at the door, I thought this would be a mistake. So glad we went inside. We both had the Garlic Sea Bass and it was one of the best meals that I can remember. We ate there quite a bit over the 5 weeks we were in Lima. I believe we tried everything on their menu - aaaannndd loved it.

We found many other dingy looking places that served some of the best food while we were there. Case and point - outside the Supreme Court of Lima, there was this rickety shack that served chicken sandwiches. Since we were pleased with El Estribo and my fear of hole in the wall joints was quelled, we had one of their concoctions. They were big ... they were YUM! Unfortunately, we never did get back to the "Palacio de Justicia" again ...

Some of the best Chinese restaurants in downtown Toronto look like condemned basements. But they serve awesome eats

I'm a classically trained string player as well....


90% chance this person is a crushing, stomping, shoe, foot fetishist and it's got nothing to do with the musicianship at all.

Want to know what joint pain does to musicality and ability to play, see my pics above; it f@#$king hurts.

Option a) surgery and no more playing
Option b) opiates and too depressed to play
Option 3) Weed n Play

Fetishist sure fine ANWWT, but don't bring up music and joint pain to de-fetishize the request. I'd stab this putz through the wrist with my end pin, see how he plays his plywood fiddle then. <grump>

-Wanders off to go smell his plants.