Blaze & Daze

happy friday! got our first three eggs today from the ladies.
and i transferred four new babies into 3 gallon pots. this one is Orange Diesel from Mephisto. Also have one Bare Assed Monkey from Mephisto, and from GreenPoint, a Wedding Cake and an Oreoz.
hoping we get some of the snow that's going around - likely won't be more than an inch here, but a girl can dream...
Your single root is about the same as the sole root that made it through for me, and only one of them even made that much progress. The other three didn't even seem to try to penetrate down into the rooter, the roots were just coiled up in the little depression under the seed.
I didn't have much success germinating seeds, 2 for 6. I had planned to start some tomato and pepper seeds in them but now I think I'll use pro-mix instead and save them for when I try to clone.
Looks like my Myrtle that i used to have. She was a great bird. RIR if I remember correctly.
these look very similar to RIR, except they have some white feathers around their necks. this breed is Hyline Brown, which I read some place is a White Leghorn x with RIR. they're known for their prolific egg production. they're not super keen on being handled, but they're great foragers so they'll be helping out in the garden this spring to get the beds turned over.
these look very similar to RIR, except they have some white feathers around their necks. this breed is Hyline Brown, which I read some place is a White Leghorn x with RIR. they're known for their prolific egg production. they're not super keen on being handled, but they're great foragers so they'll be helping out in the garden this spring to get the beds turned over.
Ah, yes. Myrtle hated being caught as well. Most of the birds we had, once you caught them and if you held them right, they were at least ok. A couple despised being held and would try to escape at all costs. Lol.

I remember having wishful thoughts of my birds helping in the garden. Then it turned into stupid freeloaders that would hop their fence and take 3 bites out of EVERY. SINGLE. PEPPER and TOMATO they could reach and then leave them there to rot. Hahahaha. They were so much fun though.
Ah, yes. Myrtle hated being caught as well. Most of the birds we had, once you caught them and if you held them right, they were at least ok. A couple despised being held and would try to escape at all costs. Lol.

I remember having wishful thoughts of my birds helping in the garden. Then it turned into stupid freeloaders that would hop their fence and take 3 bites out of EVERY. SINGLE. PEPPER and TOMATO they could reach and then leave them there to rot. Hahahaha. They were so much fun though.
my plan is no chickens in the garden once the plants are in. but in the winter/early spring, i'm okay with it.
they're currently shitting blue turds. the old man strung up a red cabbage for them, kinda like an edible tetherball. they love it, but it's turning their poop the most wild colors.
my plan is no chickens in the garden once the plants are in. but in the winter/early spring, i'm okay with it.
they're currently shitting blue turds. the old man strung up a red cabbage for them, kinda like an edible tetherball. they love it, but it's turning their poop the most wild colors.
Oh yes. That was my plan as well. Chickens give zero fucks. That said, they only had a 4' tall fence to hop. They could free range as much as they wanted to.

A great treat for them when it gets hot out is to take a bundt cake pan or something else and fill it with fruit and veggie scraps and cuttings, fill it with water and freeze it. They will peck and yell at it for hours as it chips away and melts.
I sucked at aerocloning. Only grew one root in all my attempts.

It took me about 2 years to get aerocloning dialed in. In sequence of problems I solved.

1) equipment. I started with a tuffy bin, a hole bit for my drill to drill 12 holes, an air pump, and some neoprene plugs. I averaged less than a 50% strike rate, and what did strike took 2+ weeks to show starting root nubbs. Switching to a cheap but working Amazon Clone King my strike rate upped to about 60%.

2) water - I stopped trying to adjust my tap water and now use nothing in the water other than ph down; RO filtered "drinking" water from the grocery store, always pH's at 7.1 and 100ppm on the 700 scale. Not deionized or re-mineralized. - 65-70% strike rate

3) temps - I keep my res between 18.3° - 24°C. This required I cool my rez by dropping it in a tuffy bin with 2ltr bottles filled with ice. Started getting 75%.

4) pH - I get the water to 5.8 pH and keep it under 6.3 throughout the cycle. -80%

5) Foliar attention: I spray the tops with the RO water at least 2 times a day, usually more like 5. This was the last change I made, ignoring the Cervante's book that says aerocloners don't need humidity domes. At the dispensary grow I worked at the clone irrigation system kicked on 3 times an hour and sprayed the cuttings for 15 seconds. I use a spray bottle and hit them at least 3 and rarely more than 8 times a day. Same water I used for the res, pH 5.8 (not sure the pH has an affect, but I do all foliar sprays between 5.8 - 6.2.)
100% Strike rate ever since, and I get my first root nubbs visible in 5-6 days.

If your system is working theres no reason to change, I decided to muttle through my mistakes to get it dialed in, it took a while and over the course of two years I only lost one genetic to cloning failure. At this point my cloner 'cost' $12 a year and I still haven't had to replace the pump. The rez cracked and I had to replace it, other than making the cloning water have a runaway temp problem, it works.

When we get moved I'll be building a whole new grow, how I clone then will depend on the space, power, and water access. My wife's already talking about getting a card in NV so I can run 12 plants instead of only 6 that one card would allow. I'll probably be replacing my 9 year old $80 Amazon "Clone King" with something a bit more brand name. Someting that keeps the tops damp and the temps down. Who knows I may decide to swtich to salts and plugs and go full hydro, all depends on the space.
Maybe you can help out in a little debate we'd had about the best method for launching chickens. I say it's the underhanded basketball granny shot. I think others decided the football toss would be best. Mine still aren't cooperative with testing my theory.
You have to put them in a burlap sack, spin it round and round, then they are ready for anything that doesn't involve walking, flying, or running.
I still think pre-freezing+football toss is going to beat the human catapult method.