Black Panther the movie -- an offense to white pride everywhere

The movie was great. I am so happy to see black super heroes you have no idea. I am a wonder white dude with a Jamaican son who's black mom died about 2 years ago. He is 12 and just starting to understand the disparity in race. Anyone who thinks there is none is probably white. I live in Canada where we have a lot less racial issues but it is refreshing for him to see the world is a changing place.

It is about freaking time is all I can say. And black lightning sucks by comparison.

I saw it with my girl and my 2 sons on Saturday and I LOVED IT !!!
shitheads like Limbaugh, Shapiro are making too much of the social themes because they hate liberals and are racists.

Well, there is a shock. Not.

Rmember the fauxrage over teletubbies, or whether bert and ernie were gay, or about the wardrobe malfunction at the superbowl, or the war on xmas, or a hundred other examples of fake outrage because the snowflakes got their panties in a twist.

It's what they do.
I listen to his show, and have heard him directly say that hes looking forward to seeing it, multiple times (and i can dig them up for you if you absolutely cant believe it). Shapiro's biggest issue it how much people are touting how important this movie is for the black identity. People who dont watch superhero movies, who had never of black panther until the last couple of years, flooded out of the woodwork to rave about this movie, based solely of the fact that the lead actor was black (and the stupid part is, this isnt the first black lead superhero movie, Blade came out in the 90s, and no one cares about that).

Its gross that the thing that race is what hyped people up the most about the movie. The left wouldnt have given a fuck about this movie if not for that, and it just reveals how important skin color, compared to other attributes, is to that group of people, despite what they claim.

Racists always think it's about race. No, I didn't go to the movie for the reason you say. It was a good movie about a nation in Africa that avoided the European colonial period in Africa. Quite naturally it would have an all black cast for scenes in that country. Also the script portrays the view of people from an African nation who observed but wasn't affected by Europeans. I enjoyed the alternative perspective.

Shapiro has seen it, he posted a review but I won't post anything from the review here. In Shapiro's review, which I don't recommend anybody reading because the fucker puts in spoilers, he says he liked the movie. Then he goes on to whine about how the film didn't avoid racism and African history regarding the European colonial period. He also whined that the film didn't avoid the topic of the unequal condition of Black people in the US today. The thing is, the film didn't center on the past, it centered on the present and what to do going forward. It was very positive about what can be done. I won't clip anything from Shapiro's statements here because I don't want to spoil the film for anybody.
I listen to his show, and have heard him directly say that hes looking forward to seeing it, multiple times (and i can dig them up for you if you absolutely cant believe it). Shapiro's biggest issue is with people who are touting BP is somehow a strike against whiteness in America by the black community. Somehow, having a movie with almost all black people, is some monunental achievement that was being preveted by the powers that be, and that with the release of this movie, a new civil rights landmark had been achieved. Its a stupid line of thinking because 1.BP was created by white people 2. The movie was produced and put out by a lot of white people. 3.Theres already been a lead black superhero before, its called Blade and its fucking awesome. So the idea that this is some monumental triumph for black people by black people is retarded.

In addition to that, people who dont watch superhero movies, who had never of black panther until the last couple of years, flooded out of the woodwork to rave about this movie, based solely of the fact that the lead actor was black. Its gross to me that race is what hyped people up the most about the movie. The left wouldnt have given a fuck about this movie if not for that, and it just reveals how important skin color, compared to other attributes, is to that group of people, despite what they claim.

shut up, white. go listen to ben shapiro the racist and stay locked inside your house clutching your gun so obama doesn;t take it from you