Black Friday Seeds Thread ( post any blckfrdy sales on seeds that you know of)

Anyone know if DC seed exchange is having a sale?
This year I'm picking up a pack of CBD seeds from an awesome breeder.
Hey everyone hope all are well. Figured I start a thread to share Black Friday sales on seeds. I know Oregon elite seeds is having some nice sales ! Please share any info thank you !
I took advantage of OES's sale. I grabbed Skunkhouse Champagne patties, Bloom's space guavaz (space runtz x guavaz 74), Dynasty's Mt Hood Huckleberry f4's, Katsu's key lime kush, Wyeast farms Cold Fusion and Green teams Pie 95 f2's. At 40-50% off was too hard to resist.
Also copycat is doing 5 packs for $500 but if you know who to hit up on insta you can get two for 130-150$
Anyone know if DC seed exchange is having a sale?
This year I'm picking up a pack of CBD seeds from an awesome breeder.

Yeah, 30% off sitewide Friday only.