Black an Milds


Well-Known Member
Recently I've started smoking black and milds, I like them, nice flavor and aroma. what I want to know is, on the side of the box it says "filler is 100% pipe tobacco" so does that mean there's something else in there? something that maybe explains the aroma like cloves or some shit?


Well-Known Member
no whats that do?

and on another note whats with the fucking plastic tips? now I can't smoke my shit all the way down without melting plastic? I like the wood-tip more but they don;t sell them in singles at my usual place..


Well-Known Member
Phuck what part of the great 49th you living in? I grew up in between Anchorage and Unalaska. Miss it lots!


Well-Known Member
Phuck what part of the great 49th you living in? I grew up in between Anchorage and Unalaska. Miss it lots!
I've been living in anchorage all my life except for one year between the ages of 6 to 7 I lived in god forsaken las vegas with my family. vegas was bullshit, I was so happy when we got back to alaska.