Well-Known Member
OK, bought beer just because it's supposed to work and there's no poison in it. We don't drink so I had to decided if there was a brand that slugs and snails preferred. Decisions, decisions!! Seems Keystone works fine. I've had two slugs and a snail in the pie pans of beer I nestled amongst the Smurfs. Ugh!
I looked at Neem oil but I don't know anything about it, really. Thanks for the info; I think I might try it later in the summer when the bugs get REALLY bad.....................................
Get it if you can find it asap. It’s a preventative and you’ll want a few doses sprayed on your girls before they start flowering. When the leaves absorb the neem oil, the plants store the oil which works like a hormone that bugs excrete. At least that’s how I understand it. I’ll have to get some beer for snails. They’re eating up collard greens!
Also, I have my "laboratory" partially set up and the potted Blue City Diesel moved in. It's not really right, yet, but it'll do while I gather up things to make it more efficient. I'll get some pics posted eventually. I'm running my lab experiment under 24 hours lights right now to see how she veg's for me while I hunt down the tools and supplies I'll need to properly experiment with my subject. I believe I'll name her Igorette. Maybe Igora? Igorina? Any suggestions on what to do to her first? Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
I dunno! J What’s your overall grow? Complete indoor grow? Putting it back out?
Yeah that’s what it looks like but everything still seems pretty healthy. I have a couple fan leaves fading. I’m trying to refrain from nutes so Im brewing a compost tea for her. I might use nutes on her. Still deciding. That plant is the one that I put in my garden soil peat/manure/perlite mix to see how good I can grow without using the expensive soils that I have been.BigJon, did you find out what was making your leaves curl? They looked like they weren't flattening out all they way when they opened, didn't they?
I hope you get that dialed in. That yellow was looking funky in a cool/interesting kind of way! I have never seen a plant do that.The yellowing problem I'm having with the BCD's seems to come and go. I'm pretty sure it's nutrients; the yellow seems to fade after I feed. So, off to a decent garden store next time I get some money and see what they have for me. Obviously, what I used last year isn't making the BCD's happy even though everyone else seems to be doing very well with it.
I haven't seen any of those Harlequin bugs. Are they as small as they look? Kinda like fancy-dress Ladybugs, eh?
Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th!!
They’re bigger and more oblong than the lady bugs. I haven’t seen them since I sprayed! Hopefully the neem made them forget toe at and are just layng there dead.
It’s a damn shame! I’ve had a cop tell me to “keep it burning” when he saw me hittin’ a blunt from the passenger side of a friend’s car so I’m willing to bet that, at least in my area, the cops actually WANT to just leave us alone so they can give out pussy ass tickets and catch the occasional thug.Originally Posted by MellowFarmer said:It is always wise to stay low key but damn it is hard! Yeah, my county voted a 2 pt plan in Jan that 1. Immediately capped dispensaries to an obscene amount and 2 start implementing this summer some sort of garden crack down that will create enough revenue (or much more than that) to cover the crack down estimated start cost 1/4 of a million. They're all dirty crooks!
I’m going to bring in multiple medical forms next time I see my prop 215 patient because although I have my rec for gout, I use it for a number of things including but not limited to keeping me in the state of mind to not go punching everybody I decide is a douchebag. =DI wanted to ask if you realized that CA struck down plant limitations to what is necessary for the patient? Before that yes, in the BS counties it was the SB420 limit of 6 but now it is up to your lawyer and medical witnessesSeriously though, you are fine! Looking good!![]()
I didn't realize CA was still so topsy-turvy about growing your own. Like OR, they've been doing it for so long! So, lemme get this straight: if you have to fight a charge of manufacture/distribution/possession over the limit because of the number of plants you have, you need to have witnesses/medical testimony that can attest you need that number to treat your qualifying condition? Wow. There's your free-for-all, BigJon. You just have to convince the court that you are one sick puppy
That seems about right to me. No life form is mature until it can reproduce!For comparison, each patient in OR can have up to 6 mature plants and 18 "seedlings" at the same time. My partner and I could have 12 mature and 36 seedlings all going at one time if I had the room to stagger them. Wouldn't that be great? With a decent indoor set-up, you could grow year round!! The fly in the ointment is what OR considers "mature": a plant at least 12" tall and/or 12" around. Or is it 12" diameter? I forget. Either way, a plant that size growing outside is still a baby, in my book. I don't think any plant is mature until it can reproduce, right? That means flowering, doesn't it?