Birthers Unite


Well-Known Member
I get it. Your frustration is insatiable.

Now you loons are demanding living live witnesses?!?!?!?!?!? The ones that signed the Long Form just aren't good enough for you huh? I doubt I could find anyone that was in the room when I was born. Guess I am not an American.

It is my opinion that you are completely ridiculous when it comes to this issue.


Active Member
I would love to believe everything that comes from DC is true, but in todays world, sadly you just can't.


Well-Known Member
Actually his grandmother never said that. The interpreter in the interview even tried to stop the reporter when he got it wrong but the reporter ignored him. Oh, and his mother was in the room when he was born. There's one person for you.
Oh well then lets ask his mother then shall we?


Well-Known Member
Even Trump now accepts the fact Obama was born in Hawaii. Why can't the rest of you? You have seen more proof of Obama being born in the US than your own ass being born here. I'll bet you my next harvest you have never seen your long form BC. Deal? Where is your birth announcements in the newspaper?

If you don't get it now, you never will so deal with the laughter.


Active Member
yes you can, and I respect your opinion.

Dude I have accepted it, and really am not arguing the fact he wasn't born here.. let's face it though, there is obviously still a lot of racism in this country, and it sucks


Well-Known Member
Hawaii. A REPUBLICAN official in HAWAII has verified his birth. But he's a fucking liar right?

Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is my opinion. The FACT is Obama was born in Hawaii. You can look it up if you want.

Beer 30 - later.


Well-Known Member
Even Trump now accepts the fact Obama was born in Hawaii. Why can't the rest of you? You have seen more proof of Obama being born in the US than your own ass being born here. I'll bet you my next harvest you have never seen your long form BC. Deal? Where is your birth announcements in the newspaper?

If you don't get it now, you never will so deal with the laughter.
You owe me your next harvest, I have my Long Form BC in my hand. Pay up.


Well-Known Member
can anyone show me solid, concrete, tangible evidence that he was not born here?

maybe a flight record, a passport or visa usage, a hotel stay, anything?

there is a wealth of tangible evidence to believe that he was born in hawaii, there is none that i know that indicates he was born elsewhere.

and because a wise man proportions his belief to the evidence, i need to see some evidence before i jump on this whole conspiracy theory birther boat.


Well-Known Member
So what part of the video are you disputing? You watched it right?
i know what game you are playing.

it is the same one the creationists like to play with the fossil record. there is no link between this life form and that life form, so evolution is disproven. then they find the missing link. so of course, now there is no link between this life form and the new one, nor is there a link between that one and the new one. thus, evolution is disproven once again. then they find the missing links, which creates more gaps....on and on and on.

the evidence is more complete than ever, yet the creationist sees it as less complete than ever.

we can play the game all day, but that is not where the burden of proof lies.

the burden of proof lies on the birther to provide evidence for their claim that the president was not born here. not hearsay, not misinterpretations that have been disproven....solid tangible evidence is what they need.

nothing else will do.


Yes that is my opinion. The FACT is Obama was born in Hawaii. You can look it up if you want.

Beer 30 - later.
It doesn’t matter where Barak Hussein Obama was born!!

What dose matter is the intolerant liberal cesspit he and his party are forcing you colonial
People it to.

Bendbrewer sounds like one of Obama’s intolerant followers i.e., your not allowed to disagree with anyone who isn’t white and if you do you’re a racist.

As I have mentioned in other posts the most intolerant bigots are liberals…morons with no insight or imagination where there moronic amoral thoughts can lead to…the weak feeble minded the kind of people Marx named lumpenproletariat, easily manipulated and controlled….stupid.

P.s. Hi NoDrama


Well-Known Member
I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you had better back off the fucking personal attacks and name calling. Why you are still allowed on these forums is beyond me, perhaps a shortage of moderators would explain it. Just because you sit behind a keyboard doesn't give you liberty to engage in personal attacks. I know you don't talk to your neighbors and people in real life like that, because you can still fucking type...... ;)

What the fuck are you talking about? Who played the race card. You degenerate fuck! Your like trying to reason with a fucking three year old. I'm done!


i know what game you are playing.

it is the same one the creationists like to play with the fossil record. there is no link between this life form and that life form, so evolution is disproven. then they find the missing link. so of course, now there is no link between this life form and the new one, nor is there a link between that one and the new one. thus, evolution is disproven once again. then they find the missing links, which creates more gaps....on and on and on.

the evidence is more complete than ever, yet the creationist sees it as less complete than ever.

we can play the game all day, but that is not where the burden of proof lies.

the burden of proof lies on the birther to provide evidence for their claim that the president was not born here. not hearsay, not misinterpretations that have been disproven....solid tangible evidence is what they need.

nothing else will do.
It’s my old friend Uncle Buck.

How’s life treating you uncle ?



Well-Known Member
So what part of the video are you disputing? You watched it right?
i dont use photoshop, so i dont know much about how it works. but it seems to me that the guy in the video could have just cut out all those pieces and made all those layers himself. i dont know. again, i dont use photoshop. if anyone has photoshop on here, id like to know if it comes up like that or not

edit: notice that the file is already on his desktop when the video starts? he clicks on the minimized internet to show the page he supposedly downloaded it from. then he minimizes it again and opens the file. to prove it, he should have downloaded it right then and there for the video. i call bullshit just from this


Well-Known Member
It figures.... another foreigner that knows what is good for us here in the states.... tell ya what buddy, when your European Union contributes half of what we do to NATO, then you can feel free to let your pie hole run non-stop.

Your analogy of liberals is plain evidence you have no idea what you are running your mouth about. There has been more racism exhibited by the other side..... First they call his 1st BC a fake... now they question his long form and now they are questioning whether he deserved his Ivy league education? Give me a fucking break.... if that is all the other side has to lay there hopes upon for 2012, they might as well save their money for 2016 and just shut the hell up.... I hope Donald does run....

And for your info, in our local mayoral election, many former GOP supporters and fund raisers are coming onto the Democratic ticket because Trump politics sickens them... We may have our first Democratic mayor in over 50 years!!!!! Thank you Mr. trump!!!

It doesn’t matter where Barak Hussein Obama was born!!

What dose matter is the intolerant liberal cesspit he and his party are forcing you colonial
People it to.

Bendbrewer sounds like one of Obama’s intolerant followers i.e., your not allowed to disagree with anyone who isn’t white and if you do you’re a racist.

As I have mentioned in other posts the most intolerant bigots are liberals…morons with no insight or imagination where there moronic amoral thoughts can lead to…the weak feeble minded the kind of people Marx named lumpenproletariat, easily manipulated and controlled….stupid.

P.s. Hi NoDrama