

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've found a couple nice plants in his gear......just the thought of trotting down to the mailbox for a few weeks, when nothing was sent is just ughhhh to me....then the lip service/damage control when I complain.....more ughhhh....and yeah that dude actually makes him look worse imo
Yeah def not cool. Bc on the net. All you have is your word. And if you fuck that up. Then you have to resort on people like ky jelly grower here to boost your ratings.


Well-Known Member
first off I don't care what people
Well thats good. Bc no gives a ratass what you think or say either. You were in the greenpoint thread awhile back cupping Gus balls, and in here. You can put Gu on one side, bigworm on the other. And jus ski till your little heart gives out.

Go go n chill

Well-Known Member
Not real sure.
Think the first drop had amazing phenos, amazing smells crazy pink purple blue hues, super frosty.. but heard mix reviews about later drops .
Bigworm prob has the down low?
Just hear the right cut is a forever keeper.
I have atleast 2 completely different phenos right now. One is Indica dominant and very bushy and the other is sativa dominant and a bit stretchy. The Indica pheno has tighter node spacing than the sativa.
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