Thanks Twisty, Back to normal :mrgreen:

It was taking forever to load pages, I post from a Blackberry...all 2,445 of em. So, data amounts were higher with the crappy new format... Making it slow on my phone.
I just saw on TV Aqua Globe..its for watering plants while you're away.... Might actually be a plan.. first areo gardens at Canadian tire on TV now these..
Aqua Globes™ watering bulbs are an attractive solution for automatic houseplant watering. Fill he hand blown stained glass globes as the plant needs it. Aqua Globes™ watering bulbs are a great alternative to the daily chore of watering plants and an excellent choice for automatic watering while on vacation.
How Aqua Globes™
watering bulbs work

As soil becomes dry, it releases oxygen into the Aqua Globe™ watering bulbs, which in turn releases the exact amount of water your plant needs.

  • Automatically waters houseplants for up to 2 weeks
  • For indoor and outdoor potted plants
  • Hand-blown glass designs adds beauty to your plants
  • Includes gift boxes for sharing with friends & family
LOL..thats the 1st thing I thought.. I'm always here but have no pipe or bong.. and the trip to town and bong runs about $100. for a good one... Oh well I'd probably chop off a finger.... hey maybe ambulance guy will stop at head shop... woo hoo...
always thinking......
I'm good. Wishing RIU would start acting normal :sad:

We can Pray ........................................

I Twaut I saw a putty cat

When those around you loose their heads and you can keep yours....blah blah blah...... :wall::wall::wall:....

Vette, get a load of this..jail guy who I invited over for xmas being the nice guy I am, and felt sorry for him calls me today and says that his $1500 he made in jail is coming in tomorrow and he'll call me NEXT week.... yeah right..after he's smoked, snorted, drank, fucked, hydro morphed..etc down to his last pennies, then says he'll call me when he's dropping by.. he's got balls.... I told him don't bother and his $750.00 stones tour jacket is in the snow bank....... Happy New year ....what an ass... serves me right for helping... :shock: Grrrrr !!!
Now he's got me all pissed off....:fire::fire::fire: