No, I didn't. I was in there putting up band posters, my friend did the women's while I did the mens cuz she was too big a puss to go in. It was at a park. While I was in there, a baseball team took a bathroom break :shock:

I was in a stall, but they were taking too long and I was done. So I just walked out. The stared at me like :o
Plus being armed with a staple gun has its advantages......... staple the 1st johnson to a leg at any sign of saluting.... with a poster, of course..
Whoa i just came on almost 3pm n wasted am i seeing things or have i clicked on the wrong site.. wtf??
I'm not a fan of the new look either... kinda pukey green colored, huge icons on top.... I'm gonna stick with it a day or two and see if it grows on me otherwise I'm back to the oldie-but-goody format.
Morning twisty, I can't change it back to blazin07... No button on the bottom, this new layout is fucking with me...

Hi HM...go into your control at top "my rollitup"..edit options.... you'll see it
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