I will post a link once I put it on. I just sold the xp last month, and it sucks...I have been putting off selling the RXDI...It is sweet and it is on a nice ass stainless steel trailer, all garaged kept....
I am selling because I am broke. My house is worth less than when I bought it, and I need to sell it asap, so it will be a huge loss....I have no choice but to get rid of my toys...I hate it,but, you do what you have to do.
I hate thieves! Somebody stole my cement rabbit off of my porch! A cement rabbit! Why in holy hell would you steal that? Is there a cement animal black market that im unaware of?:confused:
i cant say i havent moved someones lawn ornaments around into an amusing postion but ive never run off with a ceramic rabbit or anything lmao thats just retarded.
i cant say i havent moved someones lawn ornaments around into an amusing postion but ive never run off with a ceramic rabbit or anything lmao thats just retarded.
See this I don't mind,hell I do it myself iv'e got a mooning gnome with a big fat bird pecking in his crack,it amuses me! But to remove my gosh darn rabbit is inexcusable she had cement babies for heavens sakes!:-?
you should get a ninja for your yard
The best I have is a vintage lawn jockey,he is awesomely scary although not too stealthy im afraid.I had to repaint his face and the white areas glow in the dark,I was stoned and it seemed like a good idea at the time now it just scares the bejeezus out of people.:twisted:
The best I have is a vintage lawn jockey,he is awesomely scary although not too stealthy im afraid.I had to repaint his face and the white areas glow in the dark,I was stoned and it seemed like a good idea at the time now it just scares the bejeezus out of people.:twisted:

I need picture please:blsmoke: