Great read BB, thanks!"But if your first shot fails to drop him, as mine just had, then some damnable internal lever knocks the keg over and gives the buff ability to absorb ordnance like the range berm at the Aberdeen Proving Ground...The numerous, solid hits from major caliber African rifles have had the impact of tsetse bites. And it comes. As it does, you have fired the last round in the magazine of the .458. So you now have a charging, wounded, Cape buff at close range with an empty rifle in hand."
The First Time it Comes for You - Sporting Classics Daily
Oh, man, it was big. Actually, he was big, a mature, bull Cape buffalo. If you knocked off the tickbirds and caught him as he stepped out of the shower, he was a light heavyweight of 1,800 pounds. That number hadn’t really meant anything to me until I’d beheld him over a rifle. Once you…
Great read BB, thanks! +
A bit high - a smidge
Beautiful buck for sure!View attachment 5355762I didn’t know this thread was here….what a great surprise. Now I can address my 2 favorite hobbies at the same place. Anyway, I live and farm (mj only and the occasional food plot) in Va but hunt all over, when the budget will allow it. I bought a rockin farm in S Iowa and got a taste of how the other half lives.
As time went on, I could only draw a tag every 3yrs, even though I owned the land. So I was buying Governors tags for the years I didn’t draw.
When that got too expensive, I sold to a buddy.
Now I hunt it every third year and it’s a freak show. It makes hunting back home in Va seem like a different activity altogether.
The pic is my personal best……taken w/ a bow on Oct 28…….the year was 2011 or 2012, I forget. Big 5.5 yr old, grossed 181” w/ 28” and 29” beams.