Heard the same yeehawhmmmmm i think you mixed something up. rabbits are not hot. its one of the only ones you can throw right on the plant and it will not burn them.
hmmmmm i think you mixed something up. rabbits are not hot. its one of the only ones you can throw right on the plant and it will not burn them.
Umm I think part of the point of making supersoil is not to add chemical nutes. And "supersoil" can be a very effective way to growThe key to remember is Nitrogen for Veg, Phosphorous for flower. For example, Indonesian Bat Guano comes from Fruit bats so they have more phosphorous than Mexican Bats whose primary diet is insects, hence more protein. Look at NPK ratings. LESS IS MORE. Also I would give up on the idea of making your own "supersoil", when I first began to grow I had that idea...didnt work. Once you add nutes to soil at beginning of grow your handicapped. You will have a myriad of problems crop up that will be hard to diagnose because of your additives, also a soil with high N has a tendency to stunt, that's if they sprout at all.
You just want to play with the Bat-Mobile.
I got no problem with Peruvian Sea bird guano, scraped off the rocks out at sea. Seems to be fairly regulated, at least in respect to bat guano, which has little, if any.
BTW, I don't use guanos of any sort. The cost just doesn't justify the benefits for me.
Very niceFish bone meal at 6/20/0 is a good replacement component for high P guano. Been using a few months......seems fine.
Total Nitrogen(N) 1.00-6.00%
Phosphorus Oxide (P2O5) 1.50-9.00%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 0.70-1.20%
Bat Guano - (Mexican, Jamaican, & Indonesian bat guanos)
Which Bat Guano is the best to use in supersoil? For flowering. Anyone?
Used the Indonesian before and wanted to know if the mexican or jamaican was better to use. They all have different NPK numbers and Indonesian was the most expensive.