Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

yo dux..

them 3 guns are for me and that 1 stand.

i had 2 deer come out at 9ish saturday morning, but i was too decisive, and they both sliped away.
after that , i thought about it and really been thinking about giving up hunting, that was my last hunt.
i tell ya going vegan has changed my healtlh and now changing the way i feel about me.
i am feeling the real me now...the loving, caring, want to hug a tree type. not the killem all and let god sortem out attitude i once had.
next thing you know i will give a damn
Cool, I really miss sitting in a tree stand for Deer.
Great time for reflection when nothing is happening.
And Electric when they show up.

You definitely get some think time!
I've always said my deer stands are my de-compression platforms ..
Rut is just starting to get going here.i have 5 evenings (hopefully) to get my MN tag filled before gun season opens Saturday. once Saturday rolls around I'll spend next 2 weeks in WI til their gun season opens.temps are colder and things look great for next couple weeks!!
MN bow is basically done for me as gun season opened Saturday. Tomorrow will be my 5th day in a row of sitting in the trees in WI. strange season for me I'm seeing lots of little bucks hardly any doe's and have not seen one Buck from my tree that made me even wonder if he was a shooter.

This Buck I think might be the same Buck from the photo a couple post back? I can't tell with only my phone. the funny thing is I switched to a different property close to a mile away.. IMAG0587.jpg
Gun season opened this morning. Good luck hunters! Kill them all so I have less work to do. ;-)

I love bowhinting, thats the one problem with it is time commitment, which I can't afford right now.
Anyway, here's my gnarly little guy from last rifle season.
Haven't had time to put a hole in one this year. I'm a few states south, but like you, I haven't seen a whole lot of deer, and all young bucks and does, very few big old mama does even.